Event & Accessibility Details
Directions, Public Transit, and Parking
Detailed directions, parking information, and public transportation options to the Stamp Student Union from various locations can be found at https://stamp.umd.edu/about_us/directions_stamp. The Adele Stamp Student Union is located at:
3972 Campus Drive
College Park, MD 20742
The in-person symposium sessions will take place on the second floor of the building.
Stamp Accessibility Resources
Accessibility resources including details on accessible entrances, parking, restrooms, and elevators are available on Stamp’s website at the following address: https://stamp.umd.edu/about_us/accessibility_resources.
2025 PTK Symposium Accessibility Statements and Resources
Statement on Scents
To make our common place more accessible and comfortable for those of us with chemical sensitivities and chronic migraines, take steps to be fragrance-free or low-fragrance. At a minimum, skip your perfume, cologne, or strongly fragranced toiletries. Whenever possible, wash your clothes in fragrance-free detergent before the conference, and use unscented products.
Access Check-In Statement
We have tried to schedule frequent breaks throughout the symposium, but please take breaks as you need them. If at any point you need to leave a room or move around (for stretching, better visibility, etc), please feel free to do so.
Accessibility Resources Available at the 2025 PTK Symposium
- A Quiet Room is available to members of the UMD Community who wish to utilize a low-sensory environment at any time during the in-person event. The Calvert Room has been designated as this year’s Quiet Room.
- Accessible Restrooms (including type, eg gender-neutral, wheel-chair accessible, etc), are available in the Stamp student union. A list of accessible restrooms is available at the following link: https://stamp.umd.edu/about_us/accessibility_resources#:~:text=Accessible%20Restrooms
- Signs/Signage: Signs providing information and directions to PTK Symposium events will be posted around the building to guide attendees to sessions.
- Service Animals are welcome at the 2025 PTK Symposium.
- Accessible Seating including ADA-compliant seating as well as availability of seating options that accommodate people of all sizes are available.
- Food options and availability for Dietary Restrictions will be made available for attendees who indicate a dietary restriction in their Registration form.