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Publication Data from Academic Analytics

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What is being added?

An integration with Academic Analytics is now in place and supports the identification of published journal articles, conference proceedings and book chapters for import into Faculty Success to expand your publication record in the system. 

The opportunity to identify new publications to add to your Faculty Success record occurs every two weeks. New entries in the Academic Analytics system are matched against your existing Publications data in Faculty Success, looking at DOIs, or the combination of publication title, journal or publisher and publication year. Only new publications based on this criteria are added to your Publications record in Faculty Success.

Whenever new records are added to your Publications data as a result of this integration, you are sent an email with information on the records that were added and the date they were added.

How do I remove these?

If you do not want some or all of the publication records that have been added to Faculty Success on your behalf, you can select them in the system and easily delete them. The steps for identifying these new records and deleting them are outlined below. Additionally, this video shows you how to select and delete the entries as well.

  1. Use the Select Columns tool to include the Created data field (the date the entry was created in Faculty Success). Use Update to save your changes.
  2. Navigate to the Created column in the displayed table and click on the arrow at right. If you do not see the Created column in the table, use the right arrow next to Select Columns to scroll to the right until it is displayed.
  3. Set the Start Date and the End Date to the date of this email and click Apply to filter the table on this Created date.
  4. Click on the checkbox at the top left of the table and click on the red trash can icon.
  5. Click Delete in the popup to delete these new entries from your Publications data.