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Awards and Funding Opportunities

  • Academic Leadership Program Scholars

    Established in 1989, the Academic Leadership Program (ALP) develops leadership and administrative skills of academic administrators and faculty on Big 10 Academic Alliance campuses. The ALP is oriented to the challenges of academic administration at major research universities. It is designed to help current administrators to meet these challenges and to assist faculty interested in administration to gain a clearer understanding of academic leadership.

  • Board of Regents Faculty Award

    The Board of Regents Faculty Award was developed by the Council of University System Faculty (CUSF) in order to publicly recognize distinguished performance on the part of faculty members, and to place faculty achievements before the public on a regular basis. Eligible faculty includes all full-time faculty employed by the University of Maryland System, who have distinguished themselves in the areas of teaching, research and scholarship, and service.  One to three $2000 prizes in each of five areas are made to faculty members from research institutions in the areas of Teaching, Scholarship, Public Service (including K-12 programs and clinical practice), Mentoring, and Inter-institutional Collaboration. For additional information, contact the Faculty Affairs Office at (301) 405-6803.

  • Creative and Performing Arts Award (CPAA)

    The Graduate School's Creative and Performing Arts Awards (CAPAA) are offered to assistant, associate, or full professors. Applications are invited from faculty working in art, architecture, creative writing, theater, television, radio, dance, music, film, photography, and similar fields. Faculty awarded a Semester CAPAA will be released from teaching duties during the semester for which the award is granted. Faculty awarded a Summer CAPAA will receive a stipend of $9,000 for two months during the summer for which the award is granted. Awards are made with the understanding that the holder will relinquish the CAPAA if external support is received for the same project for the same period. Award recipients are strongly encouraged to involve a graduate student or students in the funded project in a mentoring relationship and to present methods and results of the funded project, during or immediately following the period of the award, in a forum or fora directed specifically to graduate students (e.g., a lecture, reading, colloquium, workshop, etc). Contact Robyn Kotzker with questions.

  • Department Executive Officers

    This program brings together department heads and chairs from Big Ten Academic Alliance universities for a unique leadership development seminar. This program addresses issues in academic administration ranging from conflict resolution and time management to faculty development, performance reviews, and group problem solving.

  • Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award

    Honors annually 4-6 tenured faculty members who combine outstanding scholarship with teaching excellence. Selected by a committee of former DSTs based on dossiers containing curriculum vitae, teaching dossier, statement about how the nominee integrates research and teaching, external letters of support from distinguished scholars outside the university, and letters of support from current or past students. DSTs receive $5000 to support scholarly and instructional activities; they also deliver a public address and may participate in an Honors seminar. This year's Lecture Series will be available on the web. A call for nominations takes places at the beginning of each year's fall semester.

  • Distinguished University Professor

    This formal title denotes an academic honor of highest distinction and is awarded to a limited number of our most accomplished professors. Nominees should be established scholars, held in the highest esteem by professional colleagues nationally and internationally, whose contributions have had a significant influence on their discipline and perhaps beyond. The title is accompanied by an annual honorarium of $5000 to support the awardee's professional activities. For more information contact the Faculty Affairs Office at (301) 405-6803.

  • Elkins Professorship

    This professorship is awarded for varying terms of up to three years. Candidates must have a superior record of achievement in an academic or professional discipline; must demonstrate the desire and ability to lead and inspire undergraduate and graduate students in the full range of learning situations; and must demonstrate evidence of significant enterprise at the University System of Maryland.

  • Elkins SoTL Fellowships

    The Kirwan Center will award up to 10 Elkins SoTL Fellowships of $1,000 each for 2025-2026 (May 1, 2025-June 30, 2026) to support faculty-led research on teaching and learning. These fellowships support the systematic investigation of student learning, instruction, and teaching innovations, with the goal of contributing to our broader understanding of effective educational practices.

    Key Details:

    • Open to USM faculty of any rank or appointment
    • Faculty must serve as principal investigator (PI); staff may serve as co-PI
    • Projects should focus on improving student success through evidence-based course design and instructional decisions
    • Fellowship period: May 1, 2025-June 30, 2026
    • Application deadline: Friday, March 28, 2025
  • Faculty Disability Achievement Award

    The President's Commission on Disability Issues sponsors awards to members of the university who have made significant contributions to improving the quality of life for disabled persons at the University of Maryland at College Park. Nominations are requested in late March or early April and the awards ceremony is held in early May. See the President's Commission on Disability Issues's webpage for additional description of the award, a nomination form and a listing of past winners.

  • Global Partnerships-Faculty Travel Grants

    In order to deepen UMD’s existing international connections, the Office of International Affairs (OIA) sponsors the Global Partnerships-Faculty Travel Grant Competition. Funds support one faculty member to travel to one or more existing UMD partner institutions to develop new collaborative projects and programs, or to improve the implementation of existing projects. Awards will be up to $5,000 per project, which may be applied to transportation, accommodations, food, and other travel-related expenses. Academic departments, colleges, or schools are required to supply an additional 20% of the amount of the grant request. Two calls for proposals are issued annually, with up to four grants awarded each round. For more information, contact Dr. Joseph Scholten at (301) 405-1559.

  • Invention of the Year Awards

    Every year, the Office of Technology Commercialization honors one invention in each of the technology areas (information, life and physical sciences) as the "Invention of the Year" award winner. The inventions are nominated in each category and voted on by an independent panel of judges. Awards and a cash prize are presented to the inventors during an on-campus ceremony in April where members of the local business and government communities joining Maryland's faculty, staff, students and administrators to celebrate the University's research efforts.

  • Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize

    Former University of Maryland President William E. Kirwan and Patricia Kirwan have established a fund to support two annual Prizes. The Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize recognizes a faculty member for a highly significant work of research, scholarship, or artistic creativity completed in the recent past. The prize can be awarded for a publication, an invention, a performance, or any other activity within the faculty member's academic discipline. All current full-time tenure-track or tenured faculty are eligible. The prize carries an honorarium of $5000 and is awarded at the Fall Convocation. Apply here. Please direct questions about the award to Hana Kabashi at 301-405-4178 in the Division of Research. 

  • Kirwan Undergraduate Education Award

    Former University of Maryland President William E. Kirwan and Patricia H. Kirwan have established a fund to support two annual prizes. The Kirwan Undergraduate Award recognizes faculty or staff who have made exceptional contributions to the quality of undergraduate education at the university. The prize carries an honorarium of $5000 and is awarded at the Campus Convocation each fall. Please direct questions about the award to Jackie Kautzer at 301-405-9354 in the Office of Undergraduate Studies. 

  • Minority Achievement Awards for Faculty

    The President’s Commission on Ethnic Minority Issues has established an achievement award to annually recognize two ethnic minority faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to the University’s equity efforts. A nominee from the faculty must show accomplishment as a faculty member, and must have been active on campus and in the community on behalf of improving the status of ethnic minorities. Nominations are generally due in early April and awarded in May. Refer to the President's Commission on Ethnic Minority Issues webpage for information, a nomination packet and a list of past award recipients or contact the Office of Diversity and Inclusion at (301) 405-6810.

  • President's Medal

    This award is the highest honor the campus community bestows. The recipient of this award is a member of the community with an exemplary record of sustained and acknowledged contribution to the quality of life on the campus. The candidate’s career must be distinguished by a dedication to the fulfillment of the University’s goals and mission, by professional accomplishments, and by campus service. Particular emphasis is placed on contributions that have had a wide-ranging and enhancing influence on the entire campus community. The deadline for nominations is typically in May.

  • Professional Track Faculty Excellence

    The PTK Excellence Awards were established by the Provost to recognize professional track faculty members for consistently excellent contributions in core academic areas: teaching, research, and service. The award includes a $1,000 stipend and recognition from the Provost. 

  • Research and Scholarship Award

    The Graduate School's Research and Scholarship Awards (RASA) are available to assistant, associate, or full professors. Faculty awarded a Semester RASA will be released from teaching duties during the semester for which the award is granted. Faculty awarded a Summer RASA will receive a stipend of $9,000 for two months during the summer for which the award is granted. Awards are made with the understanding that the holder will relinquish the RASA if external support is received for the same project for the same period Award recipients are strongly encouraged to involve a graduate student or students in the funded project in a mentoring relationship and to present methods and results of the funded project, during or immediately following the period of the award, in a forum or fora directed specifically to graduate students (e.g., a lecture, reading, colloquium, workshop, etc.). Contact Robyn Kotzker with questions.

  • The Regents Professorship

    The Regents Professorship was established by the Board of Regents of the University System of Maryland in order to recognize one or more faculty members whose record of scholarly achievement and potential for truly exceptional service to the System and its institutions warrants appointment to this most prestigious rank in the University System. Appointment to a Regents Professorship is made by the Chancellor upon recommendation by one or more of the Presidents of University System of Maryland institutions. A modest monetary award, to be used for travel, research or publication costs, or personnel and equipment costs, accompanies the appointment. Criteria for appointment include national or international recognition for achievements in the arts, the sciences or the professions, and eligibility for appointment to the rank of professor at one or more institutions of the University System. Regents Professors may participate in the advisement and/or instruction of undergraduate students; present an annual public lecture or performance at one of the institutions of the University System of Maryland; or participate in other scholarly activities that will enhance some aspects of the University System of Maryland and some of its components. This may include such activities as curriculum development (formal or informal courses), faculty development, citizen outreach, or organizational enhancement. For additional information, contact the Faculty Affairs Office at (301) 405-6803.

  • Undergraduate Studies Faculty Fellows

    Each year the Office of Undergraduate Studies sponsors a faculty learning community that addresses an issue of importance to undergraduate education. Weekly meetings are led by the Office of Undergraduate Studies and the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center. The Undergraduate Studies Faculty Fellowship carries a $4,000 award in recognition of your contribution to improving undergraduate education, which may be applied to professional needs (e.g., course support, travel, research expenses, support for a graduate assistant, or other professional expenses) but may not be used for course buy outs. As a Fellow you will be asked to provide a departmental (FRS) account number and the name of your department’s business contact, for transfer of funds.

  • Women of Influence Award

    The President's Commission on Women's Issues (PCWI) established the Outstanding Woman of the Year Award in 1977. In 2017, the awards were renamed Women of Influence. The Women of Influence and Champions of Women Awards recognize members of our community who have distinguished themselves by working Fearlessly Forward with and for women on our campus and in our community.