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Program Highlights

2023 Annual Professional Track Faculty Symposium

Community | Growth | Wellness

Celebrating Professional Track Faculty

The 2023 PTK Symposium will be a hybrid event with a virtual conference on Thursday, March 2, 2023, and a one-day in-person conference at the Adele H. Stamp Student Union on Friday, March 3, 2023. 

The schedule and links for the concurrent breakout sessions will be emailed to registrants on Wednesday, March 1, 2023 and posted on this website on the morning of March 2, 2023.

Registration is now closed. Please contact for information on attending the Thursday and Friday sessions.  

Thursday, March 2, 2023 (Virtual)

10:30 - 11:00

Opening Remarks Link

Opening Remarks

11:00 - 12:00

Plenary Link

Opening Plenary

Upward Mobility of PTK Faculty: Conventional and Unconventional Paths to Success

This session will be moderated by Colleen Worthington, Clinical Professor Emerita, Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences, and includes five faculty members sharing stories of success at UMD.

  • Katherine Ford Russell, Associate Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences,  Research Professor, Department of Anthropology
  • Ginny Rosenkranz, Principal Agent Associate, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Extension Program
  • Matt Parker, Principal Agent Associate, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Aquaculture Business Specialist; University of Maryland Extension
  • Ebony Terrell Shockley, Executive Director of Teacher Education, Associate Clinical Professor,  Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, College of Education
  • Tracy Zeeger, Assistant Dean, Public Health Practice, Associate Clinical Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health

12:30 - 3:30

Breakout Sessions

This year, program activities are categorized into three themes:
  • Community: PTK faculty build communities within and outside of the campus.
  • Growth: PTK faculty are the catalyst for growth of UMD in research, education and service.
  • Wellness: PTK faculty are crucial for wellness of students, faculty and staff.

Visit the Breakout Sessions page for more detail. 

Friday, March 3, 2023 (In-Person)

Today’s breakout sessions will all be in-person at the Adele H. Stamp Student Union. Please refer to this campus map for the facility location. If you are traveling and require up-to-date information on parking, please refer to the DOTS website.

09:45 - 10:30

Outside Prince George's Room

11:00 - 12:00

Prince George's Room

Provost Panel Discussion

Is the Grass Greener?

Provost Jennifer King Rice & Provost Mark R. Ginsberg, George Mason University

12:00 - 1:00

Brent Room, 2nd Floor

Networking Lunch

We will have a networking lunch with other faculty and administrators from 12 pm - 1 pm in the Adele H. Stamp Student Union. If you plan to attend the networking lunch, please have your registration along with dietary needs completed and submitted by February 20, 2023.

01:00 - 3:15

Breakout Sessions

This year, program activities are categorized into three themes:

  • Community: PTK faculty build communities within and outside of the campus.
  • Growth: PTK faculty are the catalyst for growth of UMD in research, education and service.
  • Wellness: PTK faculty are crucial for wellness of students, faculty and staff.

Visit the Breakout Sessions page for more detail.