Opening Plenary
Upward Mobility of PTK Faculty: Conventional and Unconventional Paths to Success
This session will be moderated by Colleen Worthington, Clinical Professor Emerita, Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences, and includes five faculty members sharing stories of success at UMD.
- Katherine Ford Russell, Associate Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Research Professor, Department of Anthropology
- Ginny Rosenkranz, Principal Agent Associate, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Extension Program
- Matt Parker, Principal Agent Associate, College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Aquaculture Business Specialist; University of Maryland Extension
- Ebony Terrell Shockley, Executive Director of Teacher Education, Associate Clinical Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership, College of Education
- Tracy Zeeger, Assistant Dean, Public Health Practice, Associate Clinical Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Behavioral and Community Health, School of Public Health
- Colleen Worthington, Clinical Professor Emerita, Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences