Terms of Appointment
The University of Maryland President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program awards postdoctoral fellowships annually in all fields for research conducted under faculty sponsorship. (Please note: It is expected that departments and faculty mentors will make appropriate arrangements for space and other necessary resources.)
Each award is for a 12-month period. A renewal of the fellowship for an additional term may be granted upon demonstration of academic productivity and participation in program events. All renewal terms will terminate twelve months after the renewal date. If an awardee has received an offer for a tenure track faculty position at the time of selection or has other postdoctoral fellowship awards, the fellowship maybe awarded for one year, without renewal.
President's Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to (1) establish residence and participate in academic life at the campus of their postdoctoral appointment, (2) focus full-time on research and avoid other commitments such as teaching or additional employment, (3) meet regularly with their faculty mentor, and (4) attend the PPFP professional development programs.