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Preparing COA and Current&Pending Reports Using Faculty Success

Proposal submissions to the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other government agencies require submissions to include a number of proposal elements in predetermined formats. Much of the information needed for two of these elements is available in Faculty Success and can be easily generated through reports available in the platform.

Collaborators and Other Affiliations

The Collaborators and Other Affiliations (COA) document is required for NSF submissions and it must be submitted using the Collaborators and Other Affiliations Excel Template. This document contains lists of an individual's collaborators, from advisors to co-authors, students and co-investigators. 

Faculty Success can be used to generate the first draft of this document. The preformatted report NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information uses data in Faculty Success to generate an Excel file in the necessary format, listing your associations.

The NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information report pulls together information from the following activity screens:

  • Educational Background - to identify your advisors (Advisor Information field)
  • Research Advising - to identify the PhD and postdoctoral students you have advised
  • ORA-Managed Awards (Imported Data) - collaborators on ORA-managed awards outside of UMD in the past 48 months
  • Other Awards and Gifts - collaborators on awards and gifts outside of UMD in the past 48 months (to ensure UMD colleagues are not included, be sure to link to their Faculty Success account through the 'People at University of Maryland' field in the Investigators sub-record)
  • Publications - co-authors on published work in the past 48 months; any co-authors who have 'University of Maryland' listed as their Institution will not be included in the table

Note that the Faculty Success report does not include any information in Tables 2 or 5. You will need to fill in the information for these two tables.

To use this report in Faculty Success to create your COA document:

  1. Review your information in the activity screens listed above. The more complete your information is in these activity areas, the closer your COA report will be to the version you want to submit.
  2. Navigate to Reports in Faculty Success and select the NSF Collaborators & Other Affiliations Information entry from the list of reports.
  3. Select the current month as your start and end dates for your report and use the default Excel report output format.
  4. Use Run to generate  the report.
  5. Open the Excel file that is in your browser's download area and review the generated report. You will likely need to make some changes:
    1. Check the generated information in Table 1 and make any necessary adjustments.
    2. Fill in the Table 2 information.
    3. Check the generated information in Table 3 and make any necessary adjustments.
    4. Check the generated information in Table 4 and make any necessary adjustments. 
    5. Fill in the Table 5 information.

Current & Pending

Information on current and pending support for ongoing projects and proposals is required by NSF and other government agencies. This information must be provided using SciENcv: Science Experts Network Curriculum Vitae.

Faculty Success can generate a document with a number of the required elements for the Current & Pending document that can be pasted into the SciENcv system when completing the Current & Pending document.

The Current & Pending Support report generates a set of data tables, one for each active award and proposal, as determined by the data in the following activity screens:

  • Active ORA-Managed Awards (Imported Data)
  • Other Awards and Gifts
  • ORA-Managed Proposals (Imported Data)
  • Other Proposals

The Faculty Success report prepopulates entries for the Projects/Proposals section with partial information. The report populates the following fields:

  • Project/Proposal Title
  • Status of Support
  • Proposal/Award Number
  • Source of Support
  • Project/Proposal Start Date
  • Project/Proposal End Date
  • Total Award Amount

Note: the Total Award Amount can be manually entered in the Active ORA-Managed Awards data for inclusion in this report.

The report does not generate any information for the Primary Place of Performance, PI commitment, Overall Objectives, or Statement of Potential Overlap. The information for these sections will need to be manually entered into the SciENcv system for each project and proposal.

To use this report in Faculty Success to prepare for your C&P entry in SciENcv:

  1. Review your information in the activity screens listed above. The more complete your information is in these activity areas, the closer your Current&Pending report will be to the version you want to submit.
  2. Navigate to Reports in Faculty Success and select the Current & Pending Support entry from the list of reports.
  3. Select the current month as your start and end dates for your report and use the default Word report output format.
  4. Use Run to generate  the report.
  5. Open the Word file that is in your browser's download area and review the generated report. Keep this file open as you work on entering your Current & Pending support information in the SciENcv system.
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