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Section V: Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice

In the Spring of 2022, Faculty Affairs worked with the Faculty Success Advisory Group and the Council of Assistant Deans for Faculty Affairs to find a way to represent faculty involvement in public engagement, public scholarship and public practice. To meet this need, a new section has been added to the University CV, Section V. Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice. 

How does this new section relate to the main CV sections of Research, Teaching and Service?
This section is extremely important to some faculty domains on campus and not as important to others. Faculty in the School of Public Health; the School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation; the College of Information Studies; as well as in the College of Arts and Humanities are frequently involved in non-published research and practice in the public sector and with non-profit organizations. For faculty that work in this area, their work is distinct from the traditional faculty involvement triad of research, teaching and service. 

From the perspective of the School of Public Health, the purpose of research is to generate or contribute to generalizable knowledge. The purpose of practice in public health is to prevent or control disease or injury and improve health, or to improve a public health program or service. Knowledge might be gained in any public health endeavor designed to prevent disease or injury or to improve a program or service. In some cases, that knowledge might be generalizable, but the purpose of the endeavor is to benefit clients participating in a public health program or a population by controlling a health problem in the population from which the information is gathered.

What about faculty employment in outside agencies - is that Public Engagement?
Government placements would not be documented in this new section. Full time placements involving a leave of absence from the university are documented under Other Employment. Part-time placements are documented under Professional Service.

An Op Ed seems like it would be categorized as Public Engagement, correct?
One of the defining characteristics of this section is that it relates to non-published research and practice in the public sector. Since an Op Ed is published it would be documented in Publications. Legislative briefs are also documented in Publications, rather than in this Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice section. Similarly, Program Evaluations are a form of publication and would be documented in Professional and Extension Publications. 

Additional explanation for each of the recognized types of Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice are presented. 

Community Engaged Practice

This involves direct engagement to improve an outcome in the community. Communities include but are not limited to workforce, K-12, people with disabilities, veterans, aging people, minorities and under-represented groups. 

Expert Testimony

Expert testimony is presented in legal proceedings when a judge or jury needs assistance evaluating a material fact in the proceedings. 

Legislative Involvement

Activities in support of legislatures at all levels of government, bringing research-based information to improve policymakers' general understanding of a policy issue, or to validate preferred approaches to a policy agenda.

Advisory Involvement with Public and Non-profit Agencies

Relates to activities advising a public agency at any level of government or a non-profit agency (e.g., non-profit schools, charities, clinics, hospitals, legal aid societies, volunteer service organizations, labor unions, professional organizations, research institutes, and museums).

Workforce Development

This is distinct from Community Engaged Practice. Workforce development is training of the workforce that will go out and perform the public practice that will improve an outcome in the community. 

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