Panel: Community Engagement Discussion
Mar 8, 10:45 am
- 11:45 am
Atrium 1107
- D. Paul Monteiro, Jr. Secretary of Service & Civic Innovation, Office of Secretary Department of Service & Civic Innovation (DSCI)
- Jinhee Kim, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources; Associate Director of the University of Maryland Extension
- Paul Goeringer, Senior Faculty Specialist and Extension Specialist, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Isaias Yemane Tesfalidet, Director, Digital Literacy/ Tech Extension
Please join Secretary Paul Monteiro and his panelist as he leads a discussion and shares community engagement strategies that enhance PTK faculty and others to better engage diverse communities, deepen relationships, and drive sustainable impacts and outcomes. In this interactive session, panelists will share successful approaches to community engagement. The session will highlight the importance of working together, and how to collaborate with different students, audiences, demographics, colleges, departments, stakeholders, and community partnerships to drive impact and social changes.