Faculty Mentoring
Faculty Mentoring Guidance
Mentoring Guidance for UMD Faculty has recently been updated. Click here to download the UMD Mentoring Guidance.
Did You Know
University Policy requires that within a tenure-track faculty member's first semester, chairs should:
- Provide each new faculty member with a copy of the unit's Criteria for Promotion / Tenure, and to review those criteria in a personal meeting with new faculty.
- Provide each new faculty member with a copy of the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure
- Assign one or more senior faculty members to mentor each new faculty member.
Other requirements for chairs, related to mentoring:
- Provide for the mentoring of each Associate Professor, if desired by the faculty member.
- Oversee development and implementation of unit's mentoring plan, to be filed with the Office Faculty Affairs. Click here for example criteria for mentoring plans. Click here to see a sample plan.