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Faculty Success Activity Screens Explained

The table below describes the uses for activity screens available in Faculty Success. The entries are presented in the order they appear on the Activities screen in Faculty Success. The screens related to UME Extension are not described below.

General Information Section

Appointments at UMD (Imported Data)Appointment information from PHR system. Appointment data goes back as far as 2001 in the PHR system.
Other Appointments at UMD

Use this screen to document affiliate positions both at the University of Maryland that you have or had in the past that are not documented in the PHR system (and do not appear in your Appointments at UMD screen), as well as affiliate positions at other institutions (e.g., visiting appointments).

For the University of Maryland, this screen is used to document unofficial affiliate appointments not represented in PRH, as well as appointments prior to the inception of the PHR system in 2001.

Other EmploymentThis screen is for work experience outside of UMD. For co-occurring consulting work enter the information in the Consulting screen.
Honors and Awards

This screen is for awards and honors including research/scholarship or teaching fellowships.

To enter information about a financial award you received to support your research/work, use the Other Awards and Gifts screen.

Professional Memberships

This screen captures memberships within professional organizations, associations and societies.

Leadership positions held or other unique activities performed for an organization should be entered on the Professional Service screen.

Professional Certifications and Licenses

This screen is for professional credentials (licensure, certification, registration) designated by a state government or national organization, indicating a level of expertise in their field.

Data from this screen is reported in the Certifications and Licenses section of the Annual Activity Report.

Continuing Education

This screen is for educational experiences and professional training beyond your undergraduate, master's, doctoral, or post-doctoral training.

Training that leads to licensing or certification is documented on the Professional Certifications and Licenses screen.

Personal and Contact Information (Imported Data)Information from the PHR system, including your email address, office location.
Biography and ExpertiseScreen for including your biography and identifying your areas of expertise. The Professional Interests information on this screen is included in the Primary Research Interests section of the Annual Activity Report. Other fields on this screen may be part of future integrations supporting faculty web profiles as well as an expertise database, with your consent.
Educational Background

This screen is for undergraduate, master's, or doctoral degrees you've received.

Postdoctoral appointments are documented on the Post-Graduate Training screen.

Training that leads to licensing or certification is documented on the Professional Certifications and Licenses screen.

Other educational experiences and professional training you've completed are documented on the Continuing Education screen.


Teaching, Extension and Advising Section

Scheduled Teaching (Imported Data)

The course information included in this data screen from the SIS/Testudo system is pulled from snapshots taken of the course registration information at specific times during the semester (between week 10 of the semester, and the grading week, depending on the type of course).

Since it is not a live feed from the view seen in Testudo, it may be that there are differences in what is reported in Faculty Success and what is seen in Testudo. Use the Notes & Annotations field to explain any discrepancies, if needed.

Data is loaded into Faculty Success five weeks after each term ends, from SIS. It should include courses for which you are listed as Instructor of Record and Other Instructor.

A course that is in a cross-listed relationship will be merged into a single listing under the primary course as indicated in SIS. Sections that are part of a large-lecture or group relationship are also merged into a single report under the primary section of the course.

This data is included in the Credit-Based Instruction section of the Annual Activity Report.

Student Feedback on Course Experiences (through Winter 2022)

Data on this screen is provided through Student Feedback on Course Experiences (formerly Course Evaluations) from the legacy system (Fall 2014 – Winter 2022).

Please use Student Feedback on Course Experiences for a more detailed view of your course evaluations and to view college averages and student comments.

Some data on this screen is not editable. If you have questions about the data from Student Feedback on Course Experiences, contact the Course Experiences Help Center. You can edit the Notes & Annotations field.

Student Feedback on Course Experiences (Spring 2022 forward)

Data on this screen is provided through Student Feedback on Course Experiences (formerly Course Evaluations), beginning with the Spring 2022 term. Data from prior terms’ student feedback on course experiences can be found on the Student Feedback on Course Experiences (through Winter 2022) screen.

Please use Student Feedback on Course Experiences for a more detailed view of your course evaluations and to view college averages and student comments.

Some data on this screen is not editable. If you have questions about the data from Student Feedback on Course Experiences, contact the Course Experiences Help Center. You can edit the Notes & Annotations field.

Research Advising

This screen is used to list specific students or post-docs you have previously or are currently advising or mentoring in their research. It documents your ongoing involvement with students in advising, mentoring and research efforts.

Note that involvement in thesis/dissertation committees for successfully completed research is automatically recorded on the Participation in Thesis/Dissertation Committees screen, with data provided by the Graduate School on a per term basis. Committee involvement is added at the close of the student's graduating term.

Data from this screen is presented in the Research Advising section of the Annual Activity Report.

Participation in Thesis/Dissertation Committees (Imported Data)

Data on this screen has been provided through an integration with the Graduate School to document research committee involvement for graduates. Data is added to Faculty Success only after the student graduates.

To document your ongoing advising and mentoring of students in their research efforts, use the Research Advising screen.

Most fields on this screen are not editable; they are supplied by the Graduate School based on the thesis/dissertation nomination form submitted to the Graduate School prior to the student's oral examination. You are able to add the thesis/dissertation title and the placement institution for the student, if known.

Clinical and Internship EducationSupervision, mentorship and/or advising of students on their clinical or internship experiences.
Teaching Innovation

This screen is for innovations in teaching you've accomplished such as new programs or courses you've developed, course redesigns or study abroad programs you've established.

Textbooks are considered teaching innovations and are reported in the Teaching Innovations section of the Annual Report. Textbooks are documented on the Publications screen.

Starting in Fall 2020, it integrates TLTC's Teaching Innovation Grant final report data for grant recipients.

Non-Credit Instruction

Activities documented here include academic instruction given outside of the traditional for-credit instruction.

For professional workshops and professional guest lectures enter information under the Professional and Extension Education screen.

Professional and Extension Education

This screen is used to document professional workshops and professional guest lectures that you have taught.

Extension faculty use this screen to report their extension education work through University of Maryland Extension (UME).

Curricular Advising

Use this screen to enter the number of students advised each year on curriculum/academics - which is distinct from research advising.

Use the Research Advising screen to document research advising and mentoring of students.

This screen records numbers of students advised by academic year. Add a new item for each academic year. Please only have one entry per year.

Annual LibrarianshipThis screen is for librarian faculty to document their librarianship activity for a particular calendar year. Faculty can create more than one Annual Librarianship entry for a particular calendar year, as needed to best convey their librarianship activity.


Research, Scholarly, Creative and/or Professional Activities Section


Your scholarly publications are documented on this screen. Entries can be made to document your work even before the work has been submitted for publication.

Textbooks are documented here but reported in the Teaching Innovation section of the Annual Report.

Presentations, conference papers, keynotes, etc. that appear in a published conference proceeding are to be documented on this screen. Any other presentations, conference papers, keynotes, etc. that are not published in a conference proceedings should be entered on the  Presentations screen, not here.


This screen is for any presentations that are not published in conference proceedings.

Note: Any presentations that are published in conference proceedings should be entered on the Publications screen, not on this screen.

Significant Works in Public Media

This screen is for documenting important work that has appeared in public media, including journalistic work in written, visual, or audio mediums; commentary/analysis; and interactive databases.

Interviews and other similar media appearances should be documented on the Media Appearances and Interviews screen.

The types of significant works documented on this screen align with the current version of the University CV template which was revised in April 2019. 

Creative ScholarshipNote: The Types of creative works and scholarship, along with  the Roles, documented on this screen align with the current version of the University CV template which was revised in April 2019.
Reviews of Creative Research/ScholarshipThis screen is for documenting published reviews, written by others, of your creative scholarship and/or creative works.
Professional and Extension PublicationsThis screen manages professional and extension publication activities that are not included in the Publications screen: extension publications, fact sheets, extension reports as well as refereed and non-refereed curriculum.
Centers for Research and Creative ScholarshipThis screen is used to document involvement in a leadership role with a center for research and creative scholarship. This may pertain to the creation of a center, the directing of a center, or the organizing of a symposium through a center.
PatentsPatent data from the UM Ventures data system is automatically imported into this screen, documenting patents that have been issued. Any additional patent activity can be manually entered as well.
InventionsInvention disclosures registered with UM Ventures are automatically imported into this screen. Any additional invention activity can be manually entered as well.
Entrepreneurial Technology TransferThis screen is for documenting Phase 2 Maryland Innovation Initiative programs, MD I-Corps, university licensed startup activity and other similar entrepreneurial activity.
ORA-Managed Awards (Imported Data)

Data on this screen is provided through the Office of Research Administration (ORA) from the Kuali Research system, and updated monthly.

Kuali Research contains sponsored research information on funding requested and received, from all sources including Federal agencies, the State of Maryland, universities, corporations, institutes and foundations.

Sponsored research from other sources can be manually documented on the Other Awards and Gifts screen.

Kuali Research lists investigators that are reported to the sponsoring organization. If you are involved in an ORA-managed award but that is not reflected in the data for this screen, you can manually document your involvement with the award on the Other Awards and Gifts screen.

Active ORA-Managed Awards (Imported Data)

This screen lists the ORA-managed awards that are active in the current calendar year, independent of whether any transactional activity occurred during the year or not.

Data on this screen are provided through the Office of Research Administration (ORA) from the Kuali Research system and are updated each month with data current through the end of the previous month.

Note that it is possible that one project is listed multiple times, if you are listed as an investigator on more than one account.

Other Awards and Gifts

This screen is for financial awards and gifts you have received to support your research/work.

In the event that you are involved in an award that is managed through ORA and the Kuali Research system but you are not listed as an investigator in Kuali Research, you can document your involvement in the award on this data screen.

Honors and awards--including research/scholarship or teaching fellowships--are documented on the Honors and Awards screen.

ORA-Managed Proposals (Imported Data)

Data on this screen is provided through the Office of Research Administration (ORA) from the Kuali Research system.

Kuali Research contains sponsored research information on funding requested and received, from all sources including Federal agencies, the State of Maryland, universities, corporations, institutes and foundations.

Sponsored research proposals from other sources can be manually documented on the Other Proposals screen.

Kuali Research lists investigators that are reported to the sponsoring organization. If you are involved in an ORA-managed proposal but that is not reflected in the data for this screen, you can manually document your involvement with the proposal on the Other Proposals screen.

Other ProposalsThis screen is for sponsored research proposals you are involved in, outside of those proposals managed through the Office of Research Administration (ORA).


Service and Outreach Section

University Service

This screen is for campus service, leadership roles in meetings and conferences, committee memberships, and panel participation. This pertains to departmental, college-level and/or campus-level involvement in shared governance.

For work with inter-library agencies and regional consortia, use Professional Service and check the Inter-institutional and Regional checkbox.

Data from this screen is presented in the Campus Service section of the Annual Activity Report.

Professional ServiceThis screen is for documenting service to an organization or group related to your area of expertise.
Editorships, Editorial Boards, and Reviewing ActivitiesThis screen is for documenting editorial activities with journals, other academic publications (print and electronic), and reviewing activities for conferences and grant panels.
Mentorship - Guiding Professional DevelopmentThis screen is for your mentoring of junior faculty, visiting faculty, and other professional-level mentoring. Your mentorship assignments recognized by your college have been imported from the associated Faculty Affairs database.
Media Contributions and Outreach PresentationsThis screen is for documenting non-research presentations that have been delivered to the broader community, as well as outreach contributions through TV, radio, digital and print media, blogs and feeds.  It is distinct from the public engagement activity of media appearances and interviews, where you were invited to share your professional expertise. Use the Media Appearances and Interviews screen for these engagement activities.
ConsultingThis screen is for paid and pro bono consultancies with local, state and federal agencies; companies; and other organizations.
Annual Librarian Service and ScholarshipThis screen is for librarian faculty to explain their service and scholarship activity for a particular calendar year. It is expected that there will be only one record per calendar year for this activity screen. The Service Description/Personal Statement will precede the presentation of the service activity from the University Service, Professional Service and External, Community and Other Service screens for the reporting period.


Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice Section

Media Appearances and InterviewsThis screen is for documenting media appearances (e.g., news outlets) and/or interviews where you were invited to share your professional expertise.
Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice

This screen is for representing non-published research and practice in the public sector and with non-profit organizations. It is specifically for Community Engaged Practice, Expert Testimony, Legislative Involvement, Advisory Involvement with Public and Non-profit Agencies, and Workforce Development. The screen does have the flexibility to support other types of public engagement, public scholarship and public practice.

Activities documented through this screen are included in Section V of the University CV, a new section at the same level as the research, teaching and service sections of the CV template. For more information on this new section, see Section V of the University CV: Public Engagement, Scholarship and Practice.


Cross-cutting and Other Contributions Section


For your activities or contributions on campus that either (a) don't fit into any of the other data screens or (b) span more than one area (Teaching, Scholarship, Service and Librarianship),  the Contributions screen may be a better fit.

This screen allows you to describe an assignment or project and to outline one or more accomplishments. It is included in the annual activity report by displaying the description followed by a bulleted list of the accomplishments.

Contributions entries can be associated with the following areas: Teaching, Scholarship, Service and Librarianship. When a single area is identified, the contribution appears in that section of the annual activity report. If more than one of these areas is selected, it appears in a separate Cross-Cutting Contributions section of the annual report.

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