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Faculty Hiring

Information about hiring faculty for tenure track or professional track positions. 

A template for creating the appointment agreement used with TTK faculty.

Faculty who wish to change from a 9.5 or 10 month contract to an Academic Year (9 month) contract must complete the Request For Change In University Of Maryland Appoin

Use this template when the Dean wishes to grant temporary signing authority to a chair or other administrator.
Use this template when the Dean wishes to grant signing authority to a chair or other administrator.
In accordance with our core values, mission and desire to create a more diverse, inclusive and equitable environment for all, we are announcing a new faculty initiative entitled the FAMILE-FACULTY ADVANCEMENT at MARYLAND for INCLUSIVE LEARNING AND EXCELLENCE, a diversity initiative aimed at recruiting outstanding tenured or tenure-track faculty members.
Foreign non-paid faculty appointments are appointments for international visitors that do not involve payment of salary or other compensation but do provide an academic rank.

A number of University policies and procedures impact the process of hiring a new tenured, tenure-track, or professional-track faculty member.

The New Faculty Appointment Information form provides information about the new faculty member’s appointment and salary. It is used primarily by the Budget Office and Personnel.

Use this template for hiring PTK faculty

Template for offer letter to a new faculty candidate.

Welcome to the University of Maryland! We are delighted that you are joining our campus community.

This monthly orientation given by University Human Resources highlights university policies, resources, and tips to help navigate our large campus community. Visit the new employee website for more information. Register to attend New Employee Orientation.
Non-Renewal: The first year of the initial appointment shall be a probationary year, and the appointment may be terminated at the end of that fiscal year if the appointee is so notified by March 1. In the event that the initial appointment is for two years, the appointment may be terminated if the appointee is so notified by December 15 of the second year.
This document provides information about the delegation of signature authority process, as well as references to relevant policies.