- Teaching Policies & Guidelines
- Teaching & Learning Transformation Center (TLTC)
- Ordering Textbooks
Timely submission of book orders ensures that sufficient textbooks are available on time for students and facilitates the buyback and resale of used textbooks hence please submit your textbook orders, including the International Standard Book Number (ISBN), as quickly as possible through the University Book Center.- University Book Center
- UMD Course Material Finder
- Adoption & Insights Portal - This is a one-stop resource that provides detailed information on textbooks to help instructors in making adoption decisions. Once you have entered your textbook adoptions, they will be posted on Testudo to facilitate textbook acquisition. You may submit this information to other vendors but not in lieu of submitting it to the UBC website.
- Textbook Affordability Act
- UMEG - UMD grade reporting tool
- Testudo (Teaching and class locations)
- LinkedIn Learning
- Student Athletes
- Student Support
- ADA Accommodations-Students
- Bias Incident Support Services (BISS)
- Emergency or Short-term Building Closure
- Mandatory Reporting Obligations for Faculty
- Office of Family Engagement
- Undergraduate Catalog