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APT Manual & Guidelines

Sample Language for Letters of Review for Adherence to Due Process

As you know, the faculty and Chair of the Department of ...  have recommended against promoting you to the rank of ...  The University APT Policy requires me, as Dean of the College of ..., to “review the case to ensure that the candidate has received procedural and substantive due process.”  I have carefully examined your case and find no evidence of procedural or substantive due process errors during the review.

For Letters to Associate Professors:

I, therefore, accept the judgment of the Department APT Review Committee and the Chair that you not be promoted to the rank of Professor at this time.  I hope and trust that your continued efforts in teaching, research, mentoring, and service will warrant promotion at a later date.

For Letters to Assistant Professors and Untenured Associate Professors Undergoing Mandatory Review:

I, therefore, accept the judgment of the Department APT Review Committee and the Department Chair that you not be (promoted to the rank of Associate Professor and) granted tenure.  You will be granted an additional one-year contract and your appointment will terminate on _____.

Please accept my best wishes in your future endeavors.


Dean ....

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