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APT Manual & Guidelines

Elements of the Dossier

The items below are numbered as they are in the reference list at the bottom of the transmittal form, and are included simply as an aid to organizing these materials. These numbers are not required in the bookmark label of the dossier file.

  1. Transmittal Form
  2. Candidate Verification Page
  3. Curriculum Vitae (signed & dated by candidate)
  4. Reputation of Publication Outlets (signed & dated by candidate) *
  5. Personal Statement (signed & dated by candidate)
  6. Optional COVID Impact Statement (signed & dated by candidate)
  7. Unit Field Impact Statement (signed & dated by candidate)
  8. University COVID Actions Timeline
  9. Summary Statement of Professional Achievements (signed & dated by candidate) *
  10. Optional Rejoinder from Candidate (signed & dated by candidate)
  11. Promotion Criteria (signed & dated by candidate) *
  12. Agreement of Modified Unit Criteria (if applicable; signed & dated by candidate) *
  13. Department APT Report (Vote & Evaluative Summary)
  14. Optional Minority Report
  15. Department Chair’s Letter
  16. College APT Report
  17. Dean’s Letter
  18. Optional Teaching Statement (signed & dated by candidate)
  19. Student Feedback on Course Experiences (signed & dated by candidate) *
  20. Peer Teaching Evaluations / Information (signed & dated by candidate) *
  21. Mentoring, Advising & Research Supervision (signed & dated by candidate) *
  22. Credentials of External Evaluators
  23. Responses of External Evaluators
  24. Candidate Notification from Chair
  25. Candidate Notification from Dean
  26. Letter Log of Evaluation Requests
  27. Sample Message Formally Requesting Evaluation (signed & dated by candidate) #
  28. Sample Message Requesting Availability (signed & dated by candidate) *
  29. Declines from Evaluators

* Must be made available to the candidate and signed/dated AT LEAST two weeks prior to the discussion/vote meeting date.

# Must be available to the candidate and signed at least two weeks prior to sending out request letters to selected evaluators.

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