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APT Manual & Guidelines

Information for Staff


Staff members make an essential contribution to the promotion and tenure process through their careful preparation of the materials in a candidate’s dossier. Often, the last person to see the dossier before the university level review is a staff member. Through the efforts of the staff, the dossiers are clearly laid out and easy to evaluate.

Inclusion of a candidate’s teaching portfolio is required, and it must be submitted as a separate document from the main dossier. Representative pieces of scholarship (Supplemental Materials) may be submitted in addition to the main dossier and teaching portfolio. These additions may be specified in the form of a URL (preferred for large documents) or they may be uploaded to the area on the APT website for supplemental materials. If the Supplemental Materials are offered as a URL/link to external content, the Unit must ensure that neither the candidate nor the Unit may modify the content once the Unit has voted on the case. Dossiers failing to conform to these guidelines will be returned to the College for corrective action before they are submitted for evaluation to the Campus APT Review Committee.

It is crucial for APT documents to be searchable. Non-searchable documents will be returned to the Units where they originated.

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