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Candidate Notification of APT Decision

Department Level

  • Candidate notified by department chair and dean
    • Department chair describes votes, decision, rationale of committee & chair. Letter is sent within two weeks of chair's decision, by electronic and certified mail. The committee chair may review the letter; committee members may review optionally.
    • Dean confirms review was conducted appropriately and that promotion is denied. Letter is sent within one month, by electronic and certified mail. No one reviews the letter.
  • Letters are placed in front of dossier, and entire dossier set to Faculty Affairs.

  • Candidate notified by department chair
    • Department chair describes votes, decision, rationale of committee & chair. Letter is sent within two weeks of chair's decision.
  • Letter is placed in dossier as usual

College Level

  • Candidate is notified by dean
    • Dean describes decision and rationale of committee and dean. Letter is sent within two weeks of dean's decision. The committee chair may review the letter; committee members may review optionally.
  • Letter is placed in dossier as usual

  • Candidate may optionally be notified by dean
    • Dean describes the votes, decision and rationale of the committee and the dean. Letter is sent within two weeks of dean's decision.
  • Letter is placed in dossier as usual
Last Update