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Award Recipients List

Name Department Award Detail Award Date
Faculty Disability Achievement Award
Global Partnerships-Faculty Travel Grants
Invention of the Year Awards
Joint Research Workshops
Kirwan Faculty Research and Scholarship Prize
Kirwan Undergraduate Education Award
Minority Achievement Awards for Faculty
President's Medal
Professional Track Faculty Excellence
Research and Scholarship Award
The Regents Professorship
Undergraduate Studies Faculty Fellows
Women of Influence Award
Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award
Academic Leadership Program Scholars
Board of Regents Faculty Award
Creative and Performing Arts Award (CPAA)
Department Executive Officers
Distinguished University Professor
Elkins Professorship
Abhinav Shrivastava Department of Computer Science
Abhjit Dasgupta Department of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2014-2015
Abolhassan (Hassan) Jawahery Department of Physics 2012
Adam Kanigowski Department of Mathematics
Adam Beissel Department of Kinesiology Teaching 2016-2017
Ahmet Karamustafa Department of History 2023-2024
Alan Kaufman Department of Geology 2024
Alan Jay Kaufman Department of Geology 2014
Albert S. Kyle Department of Finance 2019
Alexander Shackman Department of Psychology
Alka Gandhi Department of Economics
Allan Wigfield (Retired) Department of Human Development 2002
Allen Davis Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2022
Allen Schick School of Public Policy 2001
Alvin Mayes School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies Teaching 2015-2016
Alyssa Whitcraft Geography Research 2024
Amanda Lazar College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Amr Baz Department of Mechanical Engineering 2015
Anahi Espindola Department of Entomology
Andrea Goltz
Andrew Harris Department of Astronomy 2019-2020
Aneta Georgievska-Shine Department of Art History & Archaeology Research 2015-2016
Angus Murphy Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture 2013-2014
Anil Gupta Robert H. Smith School of Business 1997
Anil Gupta
Ann Weeks Information Studies Service 2015-2016
Ann G. Wylie (Retired) Department of Geology 1994
Ann S. Turkos University Libraries Effectiveness & Efficiency 2010-2011
Anne Simon Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 2018
Anne Truitt (Deceased) Department of Art 1990
Anthony Ephremides (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Institute for Systems Research
Antoine Banks Department of Government & Politics 2024-2025
Anubhav Datta Department of Aerospace Engineering
Aravind Srinivasan Department of Computer Science 2020
Arie Kruglanski Department of Psychology Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity 2006-2007
Arie W. Kruglanski Department of Psychology 2003
Ariel Bierbaum Urban Studies & Planning Program
Arthur Popper (Retired) Department of Biology 1999
Arthur Eckstein (Retired) Department of History 2009
Arthur M. Eckstein (Retired) Department of History 2016
Arthur N. Popper Department of Biology Mentoring 2009-2010
Ashley Travis UME-Washington
Ashwani Gupta Department of Mechanical Engineering 2008
Avis H. Cohen (Retired) Biology/Institute for Systems Research 2011
Avram Bar-Cohen (Deceased) Department of Mechanical Engineering 2005
Azriel Rosenfeld (Deceased) Center for Automation Research 1995
Bala Balachandran Department of Mechanical Engineering 2022
Barbara Curbow (Left UMD) Department of Behavioral & Community Health 2015-2016
Barbara Finkelstein (Retired) Educational Policy and Leadership 2005
Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman Department of Anthropology 2021-2022
Ben Shneiderman (Retired) Department of Computer Science 2013
Benjamin R. Barber (Deceased) Department of Government & Politics
School of Public Policy
Betty L. Malen (Deceased) Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership 2016
Bill Fagan Department of Biology 2010
Bill Fagan Department of Biology 2020
Binsy Anil
Birthe Kjellerup Shirtliff Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Bonnie Dixon Chemistry & Biochemistry Teaching 2024
Bonnie Thornton Dill Department of Women's Studies Mentoring 2006-2007
Brian Butler (Left UMD) College of Information Studies 2014-2015
Brian Connor Department of Sociology Teaching 2023
Brit I. Saksvig Center for Health Equity
Brooke Liu Department of Communication 2024
Bruce Jarvis (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 1991
Bruce Golden Robert H. Smith School of Business 2000
Bruce L. Gardner (Deceased) Department of Agriculture & Resource Economics 1995
Bruce R. James (Retired) Department of Natural Resource Sciences and Landscape Architecture 2004
Bryan Eichhorn (Retired) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2004
Calin Belta Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Candace M. Moore Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education Service 2021
Caren Chang Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 2022
Caren Chang Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics
Carl Lejuez (Left UMD) Department of Psychology 2014-2015
Carla Della Gatta School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies
Carol Espy-Wilson Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2012
Catherine Fenselau Cotter (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2017
Catherine Carr Department of Biology 2015
Charles Wellford Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice Public Service 2000-2001
Charles Schwartz Department of Environmental Engineering 2014-2015
Charles Butterworth (Retired) Department of Government and Politics 1990
Charles D. Levermore (Retired) Department of Mathematics/IPST 2016
Charles Fred Alford (Retired) Department of Government and Politics 1992
Cheng Gong Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Chengquan Huang Department of Geographical Sciences Research 2020
Chris Vadala (Deceased) School of Music 2010
Chris Justice Department of Geographical Sciences 2021
Chrissa Carlson UME-Family & Consumer Sciences
Christian Zickert Department of Mathematics
Christine Harvey Philip Merrill College of Journalism Service 2020
Christopher Lobb Department of Physics/Center for Superconductivity 2000
Christopher Jarzynski Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Christopher R. Monroe (Left UMD) Department of Physics 2015
Christy Tirrell-Corbin Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology Service 2015-2016
Cindy Clement Department of Economics
Claire Dunning School of Public Policy
Clara Irazabal Urban Studies & Planning Program 2021-2022
Claudia DeMonte (Retired) Department of Art 1997
Colin Phillips Department of Linguistics 2011
Colleen Worthington Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences Service 2016-2017
Cornelia Fermuller Institute for Advanced Computer Studies Research 2018-2019
Craig Kier School of Music
Craig Fryer Department of Behavioral & Community Health 2022-2023
Craig Kier College of Arts & Humanities 2024-2025
Cristian Dezso Department of Logistics, Business & Public Policy
Curtis Grimm (Deceased) Robert H. Smith School of Business 2010
Cy Keener Department of Art
Cynthia F. Moss Department of Psychology Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity 2009-2010
Dan Falvey
Daniel McCarthy Department of Marketing
Daniel Greene College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Daniel Chazan Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership 2023
Daniel Lathrop Physics 2019
Daniel Chazan Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Daniel Levin Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Service 2016-2017
Daryle Williams (Left UMD) Department of History 2017-2018
David Wyatt (Retired) Department of English 1998
David Inouye Department of Biology Mentoring 2006-2007
David Godes Robert H. Smith School of Business 2021-2022
David Lay (Deceased) Department of Mathematics 1996
David Lovell Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering 2021-2022
David Neely School of Music
David Andrews
David C. Driskell (Deceased) Department of Studio Art 1995
Dawn Culpepper ADVANCE Program
Deborah Goldberg Fischell Department of Bioengineering Teaching 2024
Delores Ziegler School of Music 2012
Dennis Kivlighan
Dennis vanEngelsdorp Department of Entomology
Derek Paley Aerospace Engineering
Institute for Systems Research
Derek Richardson Astronomy 2019
Deverajan Thirumalai (Left UMD) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Devin J. Doolan Office of General Counsel
Dianne P. O'Leary Department of Computer Science 2014
Didier Depireux Institute for Systems Research Research 2015-2016
Dinesh Manocha Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dionne C. Clemons Department of Communication
Dmitry Dolgopyat Department of Mathematics 2022
Don DeVoe Department of Mechanical Engineering 2023
Don DeVoe Department of Mechanical Engineering
Don DeVoe Department of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2012-2013
Doron Levy Department of Mathematics 2017-2018
Doron Levy Department of Mathematics 2013
Dorothy Nuckols UME-Howard
Douglas P. Hamilton Department of Astronomy Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity 2009-2010
Drew Fagan Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Service 2017-2018
Drew Barker University Libraries
Drew Fagan Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Dylan Selterman Department of Psychology Teaching 2015-2016
Ebony Terrell Shockley Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Service 2018-2019
Edward Ott (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department of Physics
Edward Redish Department of Physics Teaching 2006-2007
Edward Redish (Retired) Department of Physics 2006
Efrain Rodriguez Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2023
Eitan Tadmor Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Elaine Doherty Department of Behavioral & Community Health
Elisabeth Gantt (Retired) Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 1997
Eliza Kempton Department of Astronomy
Elizabeth Beise Department of Physics 2012
Elizabeth Redcay Department of Psychology
Elizabeth Gantt Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics Research 2003-2004
Elizabeth M. Duke School of Public Policy Teaching 2021
Ellen Williams Department of Physics
Institute of Physical Science & Technology
Eric Wachsman Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Eric Buehl UME-Sea Grant Extension
Eric Pacuit Department of Philosophy
Eric Adler Department of Classics 2024-2025
Erik Blaufuss Department of Physics Research 2017-2018
Eugenia E. Kalnay (Retired) Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Eusabia Mont Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences Service 2018-2019
Evelyn Canabal-Torres School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Service 2023
Evelyn T. Beck (Retired) Department of Women's Studies 1995
Fatemeh Keshavarz Department of Languages, Literatures & Cultures 2015-2016
Fatimah Jackson (Retired) Department of Anthropology 1995
Fawzi Emad Department of Computer Science Teaching 2021
Fengfeng Ke Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center 2019-2020
Frances Lee Department of Government and Politics 2016-2017
Frances Lee (Retired) Department of Government and Politics 2016
Frances Lee (Retired) Department of Government & Politics 2019
Francine Hultgren Department of Teaching & Learning, Policy & Leadership 2013-2014
Frauke Kreuter Joint Program in Survey Methodology 2016-2017
Frederick Suppe (Retired) Department of Philosophy 1999
Furong Huang Department of Computer Science
Gary LaFree Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice 2012
Gary LaFree Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2022
Gary White University Libraries (Pennsylvania State University) 2009-2010
Gary Rubloff Department of Materials Science & Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
George Quester (Deceased) Department of Government and Politics 2004
George Gloeckler (Retired) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
George Callcott (Retired) Department of History 1991
George Hurtt Geographical Sciences 2019
George Helz (Retired) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 2001
George Ritzer (Retired) Department of Sociology 2001
George H. Lorimer (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2000
Gerald Wilkinson Department of Biology 1997
Gerald Wilkinson College of Computer, Math & Natural Sciences 2019-2020
GerShun Avilez Department of English 2022-2023
GerShun Avilez English
Ghaffar Hurtado Choque Department of Family Science
Gilad Chen Robert H. Smith School of Business 2014
Gilbert "Pete" Stewart (Retired) Department of Computer Science 2006
Gottlieb Oehrlein Department of Materials Science & Engineering 2024
Greg Midgette Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Greg R. Hancock Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2013
Gregory Miller School of Music 2020-2021
Gregory Payne Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research Research (Collaboration) 2010-2011
Gregory Sullivan Department of Physics 2024
Gregory Payne Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research Research 2024
Guillermo Calvo (Left UMD) Department of Economics 1995
Hanan Samet Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computing
Harjit Bhogal Department of Philosophy
Harriet B. Presser (Deceased) Department of Sociology 1998
Harry Dankowicz Department of Mechanical Engineering
Hester Baer School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2023-2024
Hilary Bierman Department of Biology Teaching and Service 2023
Hilary Bierman Department of Biology
Hilary Thompson University Libraries
Hossein Abbasi Department of Economics
Howard Milchberg Electrical and Computer Engineering/ISR 2005
Howard Lasnik (Retired) Department of Linguistics 2008
Howard Milchberg Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Department of Physics 2024
Howard B. Lasnik (Retired) Department of Linguistics 2003
Hugh Bruck Department of Mechanical Engineering 2016
Ichiro Takeuchi Materials Science and Engineering 2018
Igor Puchtel Department of Geology Research 2020
Inbal Becker-Reshef Department of Geographical Sciences Research 2017-2018
Inderjit Chopra Department of Aerospace Engineering 2014
Ingmar Prucha Department of Economics 2014
Ira Berlin (Deceased) Department of History Research / Scholarship / Creative Activity 2008-2009
Ira Berlin (Deceased) Department of History 1998
Ira Berlin (Deceased) Department of History 1990
Irina Muresanu School of Music
Isaac Moradi Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center
Isaak Mayergoyz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2018
Isaak Mayergoyz Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 1995
Ivo Babuska (Deceased) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Jack Minker (Retired) Department of Computer Science 1997
Jack Blanchard Department of Psychology 2013-2014
Jackson R. Bryer (Retired) Department of English 2004
James Hagberg Department of Kinesiology Research 2002-2003
James Henretta (Retired) Department of History 1994
James Dally (Retired) Department of Mechanical Engineering 1993
James Yorke Institute for Physical Science and Technology Research 1998-1999
James Hanson Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics 2017-2018
James Lesher (Left UMD) Department of Philosophy 2003
James Glass (Retired) Department of Government and Politics 2002
James Hagberg Department of Kinesiology 2002
James Farquhar Department of Geology 2020
James A. Yorke (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
James B. Gilbert (Retired) Department of History 2010
James F. Drake Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
James H. Duncan Department of Mechanical Engineering 2004
Jan V. Sengers (Retired) Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Jandelyn Plane Department of Computer Science Public Service 2018-2019
Jandelyn Plane Department of Computer Science Service 2022
Jane Donawerth (Retired) Department of English 1995
Janice Reutt-Robey Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2014-2015
Jason Geary (Left UMD) School of Music 2017-2018
Jason Smith Department of Psychology Research 2023
Jason Farman Department of American Studies
The Graduate School
Jay Scott Angle (Retired) Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture 2003
Jaydev Desai (Left UMD) Department of Mechanical Engineering 2014-2015
Jean McGloin College of Behavioral and Social Sciences 2021-2022
Jeffery Davis Chemistry and Biochemistry 2018
Jeffrey Bub Department of Philosophy 2007
Jeffrey Lidz Department of Linguistics 2015
Jeffrey Harring Human Development and Quantitative Methodology
Jeffrey C. Herf (Retired) Department of History 2014
Jelena Srebric Department of Mechanical Engineering Innovation 2019-2020
Jennifer Golbeck
Jennifer Rice Department of Teaching & Learning 2016-2017
Jennifer Rice Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership 2017
Jennifer Golbeck College of Information Studies (the iSchool) Mentoring 2014-2015
Jerrold Levinson (Retired) Department of Philosophy 2004
Jessica Vitak College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Jie Chen Department of Health Policy & Management 2024-2025
Jillian Marie Schwedler Department of Government & Politics Teaching 2005-2006
Jim Gates Department of Physics Mentoring 2003-2004
Jimmy Lin (Left UMD) College of Information Studies (the iSchool) Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2013-2014
Jiyoun Kim Department of Communication
Jo Zimmerman Department of Kinesiology
Joanna Goger Department of Environmental Service and Policy Teaching 2021
Joe Bailey Robert H. Smith School of Business Service 2023
Johanna Birnir Department of Government and Politics 2020-2021
John Armston Department of Geography
John Fisher Fischell Department of Bioengineering 2021
John Holiday School of Music
John Gannon (Deceased) Department of Computer Science 1993
John Laub (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2008
John Pease Department of Sociology Mentoring 2008-2009
John Fisher Fischell Department of Bioengineering 2024
John Bertot College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
John Horty Department of Philosophy 2024
John Fisher Fischell Department of Bioengineering 2016-2017
John Haltiwanger Department of Economics 2008
John Steinbruner (Deceased) School of Public Policy 2007
John Bertot College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
John Bono Department of Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
John McCauley Department of Government & Politics
John Bono Department of Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
John Laub (Retired) Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice 2006
John Fourkas Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2011-2012
John Benedetto (Retired) Department of Mathematics 1999
John C. Haltiwanger Department of Economics 2010
John D. Weeks (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
John S. Baras Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2018
Jonathan Wilkenfeld (Retired) Government and Politics 2009
Jonathan Katz Department of Computer Science and Institute for Advanced Computer Studies 2017
Jonathan Dinman Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 2014-2015
Jonathan Auerbach (Retired) Department of English 2014
Jonathan Dinman Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 2015-2016
Jonathan Kays Maryland Cooperative Extension Teaching 2005-2006
Jonathan Poterjoy Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
Jordan Goodman Department of Physics 1999
Jordan Goodman Department of Physics Teaching 2000-2001
Jordan Ying Department of Computer Science
Jordan A. Goodman Department of Physics 2015
Jordana Saggese Department of Art History & Archaeology 2021-2022
Jorge Aguilar-Mora (Retired) School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2006
José A. Feijó Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics Scholarship or Research 2024
Jose Emilio Pacheco (Deceased) School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1995
Joseph Sullivan Department of Plant Science & Landscape Architecture 2015-2016
Joshua Singer Department of Biology 2022-2023
Joshua Singer Biology
Jude Cassidy Department of Psychology 2014
Judith Hellerstein Department of Economics 2019-2020
Judith Hallett (Retired) Department of Classics 1992
Julia Chuang Department of Sociology
Julie Greene Department of History 2023
Julie Taddeo Department of History Research 2023
Julie Greene Department of History
Julie Park Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
Jungho Kim Department of Mechanical Engineering Teaching 2015-2016
Justin Lohr Department of English Teaching 2017-2018
Justin Wyss-Gallifent Department of Mathematics Teaching 2016-2017
K. J. Ray Liu Electrical and Computer Engineering 2007
Karen Harris (Left UMD) Department of Special Education 1997
Karen Carleton Department of Biology 2017
Karen Lips Department of Biology 2018-2019
Karin Burghardt Department of Entomology
Karin Zitzewitz Department of Art History & Archaeology
Kate Dohe University Libraries
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan (Left UMD) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Katharina Maisel Fischell Department of Bioengineering
Katharine Abraham Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Department of Economics
Katherine Sharp Behavioral & Community Health
Kathryn Wentzel Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology 2014-2015
Katie Shilton College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Kazim Ruhi Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
Kelly Mix Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2017-2018
Ken Kiger Department of Mechanical Engineering 2022
Ken Kiger Mechanical Engineering
Ken G. Smith (Retired) Robert H. Smith School of Business 1995
Kenneth Elpus School of Music 2022-2023
Kenneth Kiger Mechanical Engineering 2019-2020
Kenneth Elpus School of Music
Kenneth H. Rubin (Retired) Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2015
Kenneth T. Kiger Department of Mechanical Engineering Teaching 2011-2012
KerryAnn O'Meara (Retired) Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2021
Kevin Daniels Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Kevin Roy Department of Family Science
Kimberly Griffin College of Education 2021-2022
Kirsten Stoebenau Behavioral & Community Health Research 2024
KJ Ray Liu (Retired) Department of Civil Engineering 2019
Kris Marsh Department of Sociology
Kristjana Maddux Department of Communication
Lai-Xi Wang Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2023
Larry Davis (Retired) Department of Computer Science Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2018-2019
Larry S. Davis (Retired) Department of Computer Science
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Laura Duncanson Department of Geography
Laura Rosenthal Department of English
Laura Stapleton College of Education 2019-2020
Lawrence Sherman (Left UMD) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 1998
Lawrence Clark Department of Teaching and Learning 2018-2019
Lawrence C. Washington Department of Mathematics 2011
Lee Preston (Deceased) Robert H. Smith School of Business 1993
Leigh Wilson Smiley (Retired) Department of Theater, Dance & Performance Studies 2013-2014
Leslie Pick Department of Entomology 2015
Leslie Pick Department of Entomology 2015-2016
Li Ma
Liana Sayer Department of Sociology 2018-2019
Liangbing Hu Materials Science and Engineering 2021
Liangbing Hu Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2023
Liangbing Hu Department of Materials Science and Engineering Research 2019-2020
Liangli Yu Department of Nutrition and Food Science 2022
Linda Mabbs (Retired) School of Music Mentoring 2012-2013
Linda Mabbs (Retired) School of Music 1999
Linda Steiner Philip Merrill College of Journalism 2024
Linda Kauffman (Retired) Department of English 2000
Linda Aldoory (Left UMD) College of Arts and Humanities 2020-2021
Lindley Darden (Retired) Department of Philosophy 2006
Lisa Bote Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership Teaching 2020
Lisa Lachenmayr University of Maryland Extension Service 2017-2018
Lisa Lachenmayr UME-Family & Consumer Sciences
Lisa A. Taneyhill Department of Animal & Avian Sciences 2024-2025
Louis Harlan (Deceased) Department of History 1984
Louis Giglio Department of Geographical Sciences Research 2016-2017
Luisa Franzini Department of Health Services Administration 2016-2017
Lyra Hilliard Department of English Teaching 2016-2017
M Colleen Byrne Department of Psychology
Madeleine Cottenet-Hage (Deceased) School of Foreign Languages and Literatures 1996
Madlen Simon School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation 2019-2020
Maissam Barkeshli Department of Physics
Mancur Olson (Deceased) Department of Economics 1980
Marc Pound Department of Astronomy Service 2015-2016
Marc Pound Department of Astronomy 2020-2021
Marc Swisdak Institute of Research in Electronics and Applied Physics Research 2015-2016
Marc L. Nerlove (Retired) Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics 2011
Marcia Shofner Department of Entomology Teaching 2020
Margaret Palmer Department of Biology/Entomology 1993
Margaret Pearson Department of Government and Politics 2013
Margaret Pearson
Margaret A. Palmer Department of Entomology 2015
Marilyn London Department of Anthropology Teaching 2017-2018
Mark Turner (Left UMD) Department of English 2001
Mark Feldstein Philip Merrill College of Journalism
Mark I. Friedlin (Retired) Department of Mathematics 2000
Mark P. Leone Department of Anthropology 2019
Markus Binder Dean-National Center for Study of Terrorism & Response to Terrorism
Marla McIntosh (Retired) Department of Natural Resource Science & Landscape Arch 1993
Martha Randall School of Music Teaching 2018-2019
Martha Nell Smith Department of English 2010
Mary Ellen Scullen School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2023-2024
Mary Helen Washington (Retired) Department of English 2016
Mary Susan Taylor (Retired) Robert H. Smith School of Business 2002
Maryam Alavi (Left UMD) Robert H. Smith School of Business 1994
Marylu McEwen Department of Counseling and Personnel Services Mentoring 2004-2005
Matthew Goupell Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences 2024
Matthew Kirschenbaum Department of English 2023
Matthew Roesch Department of Psychology 2022
Matthew Roesch Psychology
Matthew Thomann Department of Anthropology
Matthias Zwicker Department of Computer Science 2021-2022
Maura Keefe School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies
Maura Keefe School of Theatre, Dance & Performance Studies 2020-2021
Maureen Cropper Department of Economics 2011
Maynard Mack (Retired) Department of English Teaching 2004-2005
McAvoy Thomas (Retired) Department of Chemical Engineering 1997
Mega Subramaniam College of Information Studies 2018-2019
Megan Peercy College of Education 2022-2023
Megan Peercy Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Meiqing Shi Veterinary Medicine Program
Melanie Killen Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology Mentoring 2017-2018
Melanie Killen Department of Human Development 2008
Melanie Killen Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2024
Melissa Hayes-Gehrke Department of Astronomy Teaching 2018-2019
Melissa Thompson Research Integrity Officer
Mengjun Hu Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Meredith Gore Department of Geography
Merle Collins (Retired) English 2018
Mia Smith-Bynum Department of Family Science 2024-2025
Miao Yu Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sensors and Actuators Laboratory
Miao Yu Department of Mechanical Engineering Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2018-2019
Michael Fisher (Deceased) Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Physics
Michael Coplan (Retired) Institute for Physical Science and Technology 2004
Michael Osterman Department of Mechanical Engineering Research 2018-2019
Michael Fisher (Deceased) Institute for Physical Science and Technology/Physics 1998
Michael Fu Robert H. Smith School of Business 2004
Michael Dougherty Department of Psychology 2018-2019
Michael Pecht Department of Mechanical Engineering 2021
Michael Brundage Applied Research Lab for Intelligence & Security
Michael Dougherty Department of Psychology 2020-2021
Michael Kimbrough Department of Accounting 2021-2022
Michael Ohadi Department of Mechanical Engineering Innovative Excellence 2013-2014
Michael Chris Laskowski Department of Mathematics 2023
Michael Chris Laskowski Department of Mathematics
Michael Coleman Miller Department of Astronomy
Michael F. A'Hearn (Deceased) Department of Astronomy 2000
Michael J. Raupp Department of Entomology Public Service 2014-2015
Michael W. Hicks (Retired) Department of Computer Science 2015
Michel Cukier Mechanical Engineering
Michel Wedel Department of Marketing
Michel Cukier Mechanical Engineering Mentoring 2023
Michel Wedel Department of Marketing 2015
Michel Wedel Robert H. Smith School of Business 2013
Michele Gelfand (Retired) Department of Psychology 2017
Michele Gelfand (Retired) Department of Psychology 2009
Michele Frazier
Michelle Girvan Department of Physics 2022
Michelle Girvan Physics
Michelle Bensi Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Mike Hewitt
Mike Faulkender Robert H. Smith School of Business 2017-2018
Mikhail Anisimov Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2016
Mikhail Anisimov (Retired) Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2014-2015
Milan Budhathoki University Libraries
Millard Alexander (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Min Xie Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Min Wu Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2024
Min Wu Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2013
Ming Lin Department of Computer Science 2018-2019
Miranda Schruers Department of Government & Politics Collaboration 2004-2005
Mohammad Modarres Department of Mechanical Engineering 1994
Mohammad Gharipour Architecture Program 2023-2024
Monica Caudillo Department of Sociology
Monique Beaudoin Applied Research Lab for Intelligence & Security
Myles Poulin Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Nancie Gonzalez (Deceased) Department of Anthropology 1990
Nancy Gallagher School of Public Policy Research 2021
Naomi Feldman Department of Linguistics
Nathan Fox Human Development 2005
Nathan A. Fox Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology 2008
Nazish Salahuddin Department of Psychology Service 2023
Negin Fouladi Department of Health Policy and Management Teaching 2022
Neil Spring Department of Computer Science Mentoring 2016-2017
Nicole Nguyen Hearing & Speech Sciences Service 2024
Nihat Polat Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership 2023-2024
Nii Attoh-Okine Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2023-2024
Noel Myricks (Retired) Department of Family Studies Mentoring 2002-2003
Nolan Pope Department of Economics
Oscar Barbarin Department of African American Studies 2017-2018
P.K. Kannan Robert H. Smith School of Business 2018
Pallassana K. Kannan Robert H. Smith School of Business 2016-2017
Pamela Abshire Electrical & Computer Engineering
Institute for Systems Research
Paolo Santorio Department of Philosophy
Patricia Shields Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics Teaching 2019-2020
Patricia Alexander Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2019
Patricia Alexander Department of Human Development 2000
Patricia Alexander
Patricia Alexander Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology Mentoring 2011-2012
Patricia Campbell Department of Curriculum and Instruction Public Service 2002-2003
Patricia Hill Collins (Retired) Department of Sociology 2006
Patrick O'Shea Electrical and Computer Engineering 2009
Patrick Warfield (Left UMD) School of Music 2020-2021
Patrick Killion Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, First-Year Innovation and Research Experience (FIRE) 2019-2020
Paul Hermson Department of Government & Politics Public Service 2012-2013
Paul Herrnson (Left UMD) Department of Government and Politics 2005
Paul Gekker School of Music 2018
Paul Hanges Psychology
Paul Jaeger College of Information Studies (the iSchool) 2023
Paul Pietroski (Retired) Department of Linguistics 2007
Paul Goeringer Agricultural & Resource Economics Service 2024
Paul Albertus Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Peter Carruthers Department of Philosophy 2018
Peter Kofinas Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2019-2020
Peter Potapov Department of Geographical Sciences Research 2018-2019
Peter Shawhan Physics 2021
Peter Shawhan Department of Physics Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2017-2018
Peter Sunderland Fire Protection Engineering
Peter Beicken (Retired) School of Foreign Languages and Literatures 2001
Peter Reuter School of Public Policy 2020
Philip Joyce School of Public Policy 2017-2018
Philip DeShong Department of Chemistry Public Service (Collaboration) 2006-2007
Philip Soergel Department of History 2014-2015
Philip DeShong (Retired) Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 1996
Phylis Moser-Veillon (Retired) Department of Nutrition & Food Science 1996
Psyche Williams-Forson Department of American Studies 2015-2016
Qin Wang
Rabindra Mohapatra (Retired) Department of Physics 2016
Rabindra Mohapatra Department of Physics 2001
Rafael Lorente Philip Merrill College of Journalism 2021-2022
Rajshree Agarwal Robert H. Smith School of Business 2017
Ralph Dubayah Department of Geographical Sciences 2023
Ralph Bennett Architecture Program
Ramalingam Chellappa Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/UMIACS 2003
Ramalingam Chellappa (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2016
Ramamoorthy Ramesh (Left UMD) Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Department of Physics
Raman Sundrum Department of Physics 2011
Ramani Duraiswami Department of Computer Science
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Scholarship / Research / Creative Activity 2015-2016
Randy Ontiveros Department of English Teaching 2014-2015
Ray St. Leger Department of Entomology 2013
Raymond St. Leger Department of Entomology 2009
Raymond Paternoster (Deceased) Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology 1991
Raymond Martin (Retired) Department of Philosophy 2001
Rebecca Ratner Robert H. Smith School of Business 2015-2016
Rebecca Follman
Rebecca Hann Robert H. Smith School of Business
Department of Accounting
Rebecca Hann Accounting
Rebecca L. Oxford (Retired) Curriculum and Instruction 2006
Reid Compton Department of Biology Mentoring 2018-2019
Rellie Derfler-Rozin Management & Organization
Rellie Rozin Department of Management & Organization
Reza Ghodssi Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/ISR 2014
Ricardo Arevala Department of Geology
Richard Greene Department of Physics 2022
Richard Webb (Deceased) Department of Physics 1997
Richard Bell Department of History Teaching 2016-2017
Richard Etlin (Retired) School of Architecture 1990
Richard A. Etlin (Retired) Architecture Program 2001
Richard E. Just (Retired) Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics 1995
Richard J. Walker Department of Geology 2019
Rita Colwell (Retired) University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies 2004
Ritu Agarwal Robert H. Smith School of Business 2011
Ritu Agarwal (Retired) Decision, Operations & Management Technologies 2017
Roald Z. Sagdeev (Retired) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Robert DiLutis
Robert Lent Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
Robert Lent Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2022
Robert Dooling (Retired) Department of Psychology 2002
Robert Brame Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2022-2023
Robert Denno (Deceased) Department of Entomology 2000
Robert Briber Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2012
Robert D. Hudson Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Public Service (Collaboration) 2008-2009
Robert S. Levine Department of English 2007
Robert S. Levine Department of English 2013
Robert T. Grimm School of Public Policy Public Service 2021
Robert T. Grimm, Jr. School of Public Policy 2024-2025
Robert W. Zwanzig (Deceased) Institute for Physical Science & Technology 1980
Roberta L. Rudnick (Retired) Department of Geology 2010
Roberto (Patricio) Korzeniewicz Department of Sociology 2014-2015
Robin Sawyer (Deceased) Department of Public and Community Health Teaching 2001-2002
Robin Puett School of Public Health 2024-2025
Rochelle Newman Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences 2015-2016
Rochelle Newman Hearing and Speech Sciences 2020
Rochelle Newman Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences 2017-2018
Rod Brunson Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2023-2024
Roland Rust Marketing Department
Center for Excellence in Service
Roohollah Ebrahimian Department of Mathematics Service 2020
Ross Angelella Dean's-Living Learning Programs
Roy Walls Institute of Applied Agriculture Teaching 2020
Russell R. Dickerson Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Public Service (Collaboration) 2008-2009
Ruth Fassinger (Retired) Department of Counseling and Personnel Services 1998
Ruth DeFries (Left UMD) Department of Geographical Sciences 2008
Ruth Zambrana Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies 2020
Saikat Guha Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Sally Promey Department of Art History & Archaeology Research 2001-2002
Sally S. Simpson (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2019
Samir Khuller Department of Computer Science 2013-2014
Samir Khuller Department of Computer Science 2007
Samira Anderson Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences 2024-2025
Samuel Graham Mechanical Engineering
Samuel Schoenbaum (Deceased) Department of English 1980
Samuel Kerstein Department of Philosophy 2018-2019
Sandra Greer (Retired) Department of Chemical Engineering/CHEM 1998
Sandra Gordon-Salant (Retired) Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences 2017
Sankar Das Sarma Department of Physics 1995
Sara Via Department of Biology/Entomology 2001
Sarah Sohns Hearing & Speech Sciences Teaching 2024
Sarah Mallory Department of Counseling, Higher Education & Special Education Service 2018-2019
Sarah Oates Philip Merrill College of Journalism 2021
Sarah Eno Department of Physics 2014
Sarah Balcom Department of Animal & Avian Sciences Teaching 2015-2016
Sarah Tahamont Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice
Sarah Dammeyer Department of English
Saul Gass (Deceased) Robert H. Smith School of Business 1998
Saul Sosnowski School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2020
Scot Reese School of Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies 2023
Scott Wolpert (Retired) Department of Mathematics 1992
Sean B. Carroll Department of Biology 2019
Sennur Ulukus Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2023
Sennur Ulukus Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/ISR 2016
Seong-Ho Lee Department of Nutrition and Food Science
Sergei P. Novikov (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Serhiy Kozak Department of Finance
Seung-kyung Kim Department of Women's Studies 2014-2015
Sharon Fries-Britt Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2023
Sharon Goodall
Sharon Fries-Britt Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2019
Sharon Beermann-Curtin Applied Research Lab for Intelligence & Security
Shawn Parry-Giles Department of Communication 2016-2017
Shawn Parry-Giles Department of Communication 2019-2020
Sheena Erete College of Information Studies 2024-2025
Shibley Telhami Government and Politics 2018
Shibley Telhami Department of Government & Politics Public Service (Collaboration) 2005-2006
Siddhartha Das Department of Mechanical Engineering
Sonalde Desai Department of Sociology 2021
Spencer Benson Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics Teaching 2003-2004
Srinivasa Raghavan Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering 2017
Stanley Plumly (Deceased) Department of English 1998
Stanley Presser Department of Sociology
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Stephanie Lansing Department of Environmental Science & Technology 2023-2024
Stephanie Yarwood Department of Environmental Science and Technology
Stephen Brush (Retired) Department of History 1980
Stephen Elkin (Retired) Government and Politics 2008
Stephen Brush (Retired) Department of History
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Steve Graham (Left UMD) Department of Special Education 1999
Steven Anlage Department of Physics 2016
Steven Klees Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2020
Steven Roth Department of Kinesiology 2015-2016
Steven Mansbach (Retired) Department of Art History & Archaeology 2016
Steven Rolston Department of Physics 2016-2017
Steven Marcus (Retired) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering/ISR 2000
Steven Drake Department of Communication
Stuart Laurence Department of Aerospace Engineering
Stuart S. Antman (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Sue C. Carter (Left UMD) Department of Biology 1997
Susan Moeller Philip Merrill College of Journalism Teaching 2008-2009
Susan White Finance Department Service 2018-2019
Susan Kern School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation 2023-2024
Susan Lanser (Left UMD) Department of English 1992
Susan Kern Historic Preservation Program
Susan R. Komives Department of Counseling and Personnel Services Teaching 2010-2011
Suzanne Bianchi (Deceased) Department of Sociology 2003
Sylvester James Gates, Jr. (Left UMD) Department of Physics 2002
Sylvester James Gates Department of Physics 2014
T. Leigh Anenson Department of Logistics, Business & Public Policy 2023
T. Leigh Anenson Department of Logistics, Business & Public Policy
Tamara Clegg College of Information Studies 2022-2023
Tamara Clegg College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Tamas Darvas Department of Mathematics
Tammatha O'Brien Department of Entomology Teaching 2017-2018
Tania Babina Department of Finance
Taylor Oshan Department of Geography
Ted Robert Gurr (Deceased) Department of Government & Politics 1995
Teng Li Department of Mechanical Engineering Research 2022
Teng Li
Terence P. Thornberry (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2011
Theodor Diener (Deceased) Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 1999
Theodore Jacobson Department of Physics 2018
Theodore Jacobson Department of Physics 2008
Theresa Coletti (Retired) Department of English 2012
Thomas Holtz Department of Geology Teaching 2018-2019
Thomas Schelling (Deceased) School of Public Affairs/Economics 1994
Thomas Regan (Retired) Department of Chemical Engineering Teaching 1998-1999
Thomas Murphy Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Thomas Murphy Electrical & Computer Engineering
Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics
Thomas Beutner A. James Clark School of Engineering
Thomas Spreen School of Public Policy
Thomas Schelling School of Public Policy
Department of Economics
Thomas D. Cohen Department of Physics 2005
Thomas M. Antonsen Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2017
Tianzhou Ma Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Tom Porter Department of Animal and Avian Sciences 2023
Tori Page-Voth Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education Service 2021
Tracy Tomlinson Department of Psychology Teaching 2021
Tracy Dunheimer Department of Teaching and Learning, Policy and Leadership
Trevor Parry-Giles College of Arts and Humanities 2023-2024
Umai Habibah
Ursula Gorham
Valerie Orlando School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures 2023
Valerie Orlando School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Vedat Diker College of Information Studies (the iSchool)
Vijay Tiwari Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
Vijaya Venkataramani Management & Organization Department 2024
Vikrant Aute Department of Mechanical Engineering Research 2017-2018
Virginia Haufler Department of Government & Politics
Vladimir Tismaneanu Department of Government and Politics 2003
Wallace Oates (Deceased) Department of Economics 2008
Wallace Oates (Deceased) Department of Economics 2006
Wayne McIntosh Department of Government & Politics Collaboration 2002-2003
Wayne Lutters College of Information Studies 2020-2021
Wedad Elmaghraby Robert H. Smith School of Business 2022-2023
Wedad Elmaghraby Decision, Operations & Information Technologies
William Bechhoefer (Retired) School of Architecture 1993
William Idsardi Department of Linguistics 2016-2017
William Dorland Department of Physics 2010
William Liu Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education 2019-2020
William Destler (Left UMD) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 1992
William Jeffery Department of Biology 2021
William Goldman Department of Mathematics 2007
William Hodos (Retired) Department of Psychology 2004
William Reed Department of Government & Politics 2021-2022
William Falk Department of Sociology Mentoring 2012-2013
William D. Phillips (Left UMD) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
William E. Bentley Fischell Department of Bioengineering Research (Collaboration) 2010-2011
William E. Bentley Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research 2016
Wolfgang Losert Institute for Physical Science & Technology 2018-2019
Xianfeng Yang Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Xiangdong Ji Department of Physics 2016
Xiaoli Nan Communication 2020
Yifei Mo Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Yogesh Joshi Department of Marketing
Zeena Zakharia Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education
Zhanqing Li Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science 2022