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Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award

Award Description

This award honors senior tenured members of the faculty who combine outstanding scholarly accomplishment with excellence in teaching and personify our image of the professoriate. It carries an honorarium of $5000. Click here to see a list of Distinguished Scholar-Teacher awardees. Click here to see the schedule of lectures from the current awardees.


The nominee should have been a current member of our faculty for a minimum of five years and should hold the rank of tenured Professor. Nominees should be tenured professors with a record of outstanding scholarly accomplishment combined with demonstrated excellence in teaching. Nominations may be made by any full-time permanent faculty member.


Nominations for Distinguished Scholar Teacher must be submitted via on-line registration between September 10 and October 12. Nominators have until November 7 to submit nomination materials (in PDF format) via the APA portal.

We’ve made some changes to the way nomination packets are submitted to the APA portal. Instead of requesting a single packet, we are now requiring each part of the packet to be uploaded separately, in PDF. This will facilitate our review of the nomination materials. Information about each document is available on the upload page, and also below on this page. If you encounter any issues or you have any concerns, please contact the Office of Faculty Affairs at

In addition, in order to submit the nomination to OFA, you’ll now change the status of nomination to University Review, as you do with promotion cases. 

Nomination materials must be searchable PDFs. If any of these required documents is not applicable to the nominee, please upload a PDF with a brief explanation of how the required document is not applicable.