OFA Events Calendar
APT Workshop: Promotion & Tenure
Intended for assistant professors, this workshop emphasizes the overall APT process, general considerations, and COVID-19 pandemic-related items and considerations. Discussion and questions throughout the workshop are welcomed and encouraged.
The session will be led by John Bertot, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and Umai Habibah, Program Manager.
Faculty Forum: Reimagining McKeldin Library
Facilities Management is conducting the engagement for the UMD Library Master Planning initiative, a project aimed at developing a comprehensive roadmap for the future of the UMD libraries. This Master Plan presents an opportunity to introduce a range of initiatives, including optimizing space management, enhancing user services and support for academics, scholarship, and research, and integrating innovative technologies. As academic libraries redefine their roles, moving from physical spaces centered on collections and study areas to dynamic, future-oriented hubs for research and campus wide success.
To achieve this, UMD has partnered with Design Collective and Buro Happold. Together, they will assess current conditions, conduct needs assessments, project future scenarios, and create a cohesive strategy for space, services, and collections. The goal is to provide a flexible plan that aligns with the libraries' long-term vision and strategic plan.
Facilities Mangement kicked off the campus wide Libraries Master Plan in early September. We have completed tours, student engagement, and a series of meetings.
We would like to meet with you to gather input and feedback from the Faculty as we move forward in the planning process.
Information Session for Elkins Fellowships
Join representatives from the Kirwan Center on Thursday, February 13, 2025, 2:00–3:00 pm ET, for a virtual Information Session to learn more about the Fellowship requirements and expectations. We will also answer any questions about the program at that time.
APT Workshop: Promotion to Full
This workshop focuses on tenured faculty seeking promotion to full professor, emphasizing considerations for the promotion process (including COVID-19 pandemic-related items and considerations), expectations of APT committees, and what the University committee looks for in an APT package.
Faculty Forum: Academic Freedom & Free Speech
Recent events on our campus and at campuses across the world have raised questions about faculty members' rights and responsibilities regarding academic freedom, First Amendment rights to free speech, and how to engage campus communities in challenging conversations.
How are academic freedom and the right to speech different and where do they intersect?What are the rights and responsibilities of faculty members--and what strategies might they use--in campus discussions and in public communication?
- Jay Rosselló, Vice President for Legal Affairs and General Counsel
The session will be moderated by John Bertot, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.
If you require accommodations, please email us or call 301.405.6803.
APT Workshop: APT Overview for Staff
Learn more about the APT process including:
- General considerations;
- Expectations of APT Committees; and
- What the University committee looks for in an APT package.
Any/all APT questions are welcome from any level - APT faculty committee members, upper level administrators, staff, promotion candidates, etc.
The session will be led by John Bertot, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, and Umai Habibah, Program Manager.
What You Need to Know About the AEP Manual
The Office of Faculty Affairs is currently finalizing a campus-wide appointment, evaluation and promotion manual (“AEP Manual”), set to take effect on July 1, 2025. In this session, which is designed for Unit heads, AEP committee chairs, and staff, OFA will:
- Provide an overview of the AEP process;
- Review key provisions of the AEP Manual;
- Highlight changes to current AEP policies and procedures introduced by the AEP Manual; and
- Offer guidance on measures Units can take during the next year for cases in progress, and to prepare for the full implementation of campus level requirements.
Discussion and questions throughout the workshop are welcome and encouraged.
The session will be presented by Ursula Gorham-Oscilowski, Senior Lecturer in the iSchool, Director of the Master of Library and Information Science program, Umai Habibah, Program Manager.
PTK Promotion Workshop: Dossier Preparation
Intended for any Professional-track faculty member with predominant responsibilities in the instructional domain. This workshop will summarize how PTK promotion cases are reviewed at the campus level, discuss the materials faculty should be preparing for a promotion dossier; and address questions about how PTK faculty should present different types of activities in their dossiers. Discussion and questions throughout the workshops are welcomed and encouraged.
The session will be hosted by Ursula Gorham-Oscilowski, Associate Director for Faculty Initiatives, Office of Faculty Affairs; and Umai Habibah, Program Manager, Office of Faculty Affairs.