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FAMILE Initiative

FAMILE: Faculty Advancement at Maryland for Inclusive Learning and Excellence

The University of Maryland launched the FAMILE-FACULTY ADVANCEMENT at MARYLAND for INCLUSIVE LEARNING AND EXCELLENCE initiative in 2021 to recruit outstanding tenured or tenure-track faculty members, bring innovation and excellence in research and scholarship, create a more inclusive learning environment, and serve the state of Maryland and humanity. The total commitment by the University with matching funds from academic units is estimated at more than $40M over 10 years. The goal of FAMILE is to add over 100 new tenured, or tenure-track faculty in departments and units across campus based on demonstrated diversity objectives and University goals as articulated in our strategic plan, Fearlessly Forward. This program has three components:

  1. President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (PPFP);
  2. Assistant Professor Hire Program; and
  3. Senior (Associate/Full Professor) Hire Program.

A primary focus of the FAMILE Initiative is the PPFP and Assistant Professor Hire faculty diversity programs due to the desire to strengthen the connection between the PPFP and tenure-track faculty hiring. While this is an important primary focus, an equally important secondary focus of the FAMILE Initiative is the creation of a welcoming and inclusive climate in which each recruit is incorporated into a collegial academic community and is exposed to a set of connections that will advance the person’s expertise, career, and sense of agency. With these goals in mind, to be eligible to apply for FAMILE funds, departments must complete the following activities (This document provides updated guidance related to the three activities.)

  1. Faculty Search Committee Workshop: Each member of department search committees must complete the Faculty Search Committee Workshop, facilitated by ADVANCE and the Office of Diversity & Inclusion. These workshops take place online (one-hour, synchronous). In their FAMILE proposal, departments will provide a list of search committee members and the ADVANCE Program will verify that each member completed the workshop. More information and registration information can be found on the ADVANCE website.
  2. Individualized Retention Plan: Departments will complete a retention plan that outlines an individualized development plan for the new faculty member and identifies concrete actions department members will take to support their professional growth. This retention plan, along with the Readiness Assessment and other proposal materials, will be evaluated by the Review Committee, the Office of Faculty Affairs, and the Provost in making determination about which FAMILE proposals are funded. Guidance for creating the individualized retention is in Appendix A of the FAMILE guidance.
  3. Readiness Assessment: The goal of this assessment is for the department to provide a realistic appraisal of the department’s diversity, equity, and inclusion strengths and achievements as well as areas for growth and future plans for equity-minded change. This assessment, along with the Individualized Retention Plan and other proposal materials, will be evaluated by the Review Committee, the Office of Faculty Affairs, and the Provost in making determinations about which FAMILE proposals are funded. Guidance for the Readiness Assessment in Appendix B of the  FAMILE Guidance.

President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

In 2016, the University of Maryland joined the University of California-sponsored consortium of universities, originally organized in 1984. This consortium collaborates in seeking postdoctoral scholars who can contribute to an enhanced understanding of the experiences of historically underrepresented scholars through their research, educational background, or personal experience. Through this program, the University seeks to facilitate the hiring of postdoctoral scholars into tenure track faculty positions at the University. General information regarding the PPFP and the application process is available here

The Senior Vice President and Provost provides 50% of the funding (salary), with a 50% match (salary) commitment from units/colleges hosting a Fellow. The current salary is $60,000/year for a 12-month appointment, although colleges and units can elect to offer higher salaries at their discretion and cost. The Provost's commitment would remain 50% of the $60,000/year salary. The college/unit must also supply at least $10,000 in start up funds for each position and cover benefits.

Note: Should the Fellow convert to a tenure-track position, the converted position would be eligible for FAMILE support funds (Assistant Professor), as described below. 

Upon receipt of applications, the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will work with colleges/units regarding the interest in hosting a Fellow. In agreeing to host a Fellow, colleges/units are committing to the intent to convert the Fellow to a tenure-track faculty position at the conclusion of the fellowship.

Assistant Professor Hire Program

This program provides partial support for hires at the assistant professor level that enhance faculty diversity at the department and college levels. The intention is to secure faculty early in their academic careers who show great promise. Funds are limited and available on a competitive basis. There are two application windows: April 15 and November 1. Applications must be submitted via the Faculty Affairs APA portal. Chairs and Directors should work with their Deans on any potential proposals prior to submission. All proposals will be reviewed at the same time by the Provost, Office of Faculty Affairs, and Finance and Personnel within the Office of the Provost.

Proposals must include the following items:

  1. The Candidate's CV;
  2. A letter of support from the unit head;
  3. A vote of the unit faculty indicating support for the hire;
  4. A list of the search committee members who participated in the ADVANCE inclusive hiring workshop;
  5. A letter of support from the dean (for departmentalized colleges), including prioritization when applicable;
  6. A ranking of faculty if multiple simultaneous requests are being made;
  7. Data regarding demographics of tenure-track faculty of the unit, college, and field / discipline;
  8. Data regarding student enrollment and demographics;
  9. A retention plan for the hire(s). See Appendix B of the FAMILE Call for Proposals for more information about what to include in a retention plan; and
  10. At least three reference letters collected as part of the search process.

If approved, the Senior Vice President and Provost will provide 50% of the state-supported annual salary (academic year or fiscal year) up to a maximum of $60,000/year for five years. 

Senior Hire (Associate/Full Professor) Hire Program

This program provides support for the targeted recruiting of renowned senior faculty (tenured) who enhance faculty diversity and mentoring and foster the university’s goal of inclusive excellence. Funds are limited, and there are two application windows: April 15 and November 1. Applications must be submitted via the Faculty Affairs APA portal.  Chairs and Directors should work with their Deans on any potential proposals prior to submission. All proposals will be reviewed at the same time by the Provost, Office of Faculty Affairs, and Finance and Personnel within the Office of the Provost.

Proposals must include the following items:

  1. The Candidate's CV;
  2. A letter of support from the unit head;
  3. A vote of the unit faculty indicating support for the hire;
  4. A letter of support from the dean (for departmentalized colleges), including prioritization when applicable;
  5. A ranking of faculty if multiple simultaneous requests are being made;
  6. Data regarding demographics of tenure-track faculty of the unit, college, and field / discipline;
  7. Data regarding student enrollment and demographics;
  8. The impact of the scholarship of the candidate;
  9. A retention plan for the hire(s). See Appendix B of the FAMILE Call for Proposals for more information about what to include in a retention plan; and
  10. A description of how the candidate would contribute to building an inclusive department, college, and university culture and environment, including description of past efforts at prior institutions.

If approved, the Senior Vice President and Provost will provide 50% of the state-supported annual salary (academic year or fiscal year) up to a maximum of $90,000/year for five years. Note: Fund transfer to units to support senior hires are contingent upon a successful APT review process.

Additional Programs and Supports

In addition to to the diversity hiring programs, the University also offers

  • Spousal Hire Support. In order to aid recruitment efforts for an excellent and diverse faculty, previously informal guidance for hiring dual-career couples has been codified into official guidelines and procedures
  • Leadership and Development Initiatives—The Office of Faculty Affairs and the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs provide a range of leadership, development, and mentoring opportunities for faculty and postdoctoral scholars. These efforts include the Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Leadership and Department Executive Officer Programs, Department Chair workshops, Faculty Forums, grant writing and productivity support groups, mentoring networks, and postdoctoral scholar workshops.
  • ADVANCE. The ADVANCE program offers a range of networking, leadership, and support communities and opportunities, in particular for women and faculty of color.