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Award Recipients List

Distinguished University Professor

Name Department Award Date
John Fisher Fischell Department of Bioengineering 2024
John Horty Department of Philosophy 2024
Alan Kaufman Department of Geology 2024
Melanie Killen Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2024
Howard Milchberg Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Department of Physics 2024
Min Wu Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2024
Ralph Dubayah Department of Geographical Sciences 2023
Sharon Fries-Britt Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2023
Liangbing Hu Department of Materials Science and Engineering 2023
Matthew Kirschenbaum Department of English 2023
Tom Porter Department of Animal and Avian Sciences 2023
Sennur Ulukus Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2023
Lai-Xi Wang Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2023
Bala Balachandran Department of Mechanical Engineering 2022
Dmitry Dolgopyat Department of Mathematics 2022
Richard Greene Department of Physics 2022
Gary LaFree Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2022
Robert Lent Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education 2022
Zhanqing Li Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science 2022
Liangli Yu Department of Nutrition and Food Science 2022
Katharine Abraham Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Department of Economics
Sonalde Desai Department of Sociology 2021
William Jeffery Department of Biology 2021
Chris Justice Department of Geographical Sciences 2021
Michael Pecht Department of Mechanical Engineering 2021
Eric Wachsman Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Bill Fagan Department of Biology 2020
James Farquhar Department of Geology 2020
Dinesh Manocha Department of Computer Science
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Peter Reuter School of Public Policy 2020
Aravind Srinivasan Department of Computer Science 2020
Ruth Zambrana Harriet Tubman Department of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies 2020
Patricia Alexander Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology 2019
Sean B. Carroll Department of Biology 2019
Albert S. Kyle Department of Finance 2019
Frances Lee (Retired) Department of Government & Politics 2019
Mark P. Leone Department of Anthropology 2019
KJ Ray Liu (Retired) Department of Civil Engineering 2019
Sally S. Simpson (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2019
Richard J. Walker Department of Geology 2019
John S. Baras Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2018
Peter Carruthers Department of Philosophy 2018
Paul Gekker School of Music 2018
Theodore Jacobson Department of Physics 2018
Isaak Mayergoyz Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2018
Ritu Agarwal (Retired) Decision, Operations & Management Technologies 2017
Thomas M. Antonsen Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2017
Catherine Fenselau Cotter (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2017
Michele Gelfand (Retired) Department of Psychology 2017
Mikhail Anisimov Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering 2016
William E. Bentley Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research 2016
Ramalingam Chellappa (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering 2016
Larry S. Davis (Retired) Department of Computer Science
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
Arthur M. Eckstein (Retired) Department of History 2016
Xiangdong Ji Department of Physics 2016
Steven Mansbach (Retired) Department of Art History & Archaeology 2016
Rabindra Mohapatra (Retired) Department of Physics 2016
Gary Rubloff Department of Materials Science & Engineering
The Institute for Systems Research
Mary Helen Washington (Retired) Department of English 2016
Catherine Carr Department of Biology 2015
Jordan A. Goodman Department of Physics 2015
Christopher R. Monroe (Left UMD) Department of Physics 2015
Margaret A. Palmer Department of Entomology 2015
Michel Wedel Department of Marketing 2015
Inderjit Chopra Department of Aerospace Engineering 2014
James F. Drake Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Sylvester James Gates Department of Physics 2014
Jeffrey C. Herf (Retired) Department of History 2014
Christopher Jarzynski Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Dianne P. O'Leary Department of Computer Science 2014
Ingmar Prucha Department of Economics 2014
Robert S. Levine Department of English 2013
Hanan Samet Department of Computer Science
University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computing
Ben Shneiderman (Retired) Department of Computer Science 2013
Ray St. Leger Department of Entomology 2013
Anthony Ephremides (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Institute for Systems Research
Abolhassan (Hassan) Jawahery Department of Physics 2012
Stanley Presser Department of Sociology
Joint Program in Survey Methodology
Maureen Cropper Department of Economics 2011
Marc L. Nerlove (Retired) Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics 2011
Raman Sundrum Department of Physics 2011
Deverajan Thirumalai (Left UMD) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Terence P. Thornberry (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2011
James B. Gilbert (Retired) Department of History 2010
John C. Haltiwanger Department of Economics 2010
Roberta L. Rudnick (Retired) Department of Geology 2010
Ruth DeFries (Left UMD) Department of Geographical Sciences 2008
Nathan A. Fox Department of Human Development & Quantitative Methodology 2008
Ashwani Gupta Department of Mechanical Engineering 2008
John Laub (Retired) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 2008
Wallace Oates (Deceased) Department of Economics 2008
Roland Rust Marketing Department
Center for Excellence in Service
Jeffrey Bub Department of Philosophy 2007
Patricia Hill Collins (Retired) Department of Sociology 2006
Gilbert "Pete" Stewart (Retired) Department of Computer Science 2006
Avram Bar-Cohen (Deceased) Department of Mechanical Engineering 2005
Eitan Tadmor Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Rita Colwell (Retired) University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies 2004
William Hodos (Retired) Department of Psychology 2004
Jerrold Levinson (Retired) Department of Philosophy 2004
Arie W. Kruglanski Department of Psychology 2003
Howard B. Lasnik (Retired) Department of Linguistics 2003
Ramamoorthy Ramesh (Left UMD) Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Department of Physics
Stuart S. Antman (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Benjamin R. Barber (Deceased) Department of Government & Politics
School of Public Policy
Richard A. Etlin (Retired) Architecture Program 2001
Eugenia E. Kalnay (Retired) Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Science
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
William D. Phillips (Left UMD) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
George Ritzer (Retired) Department of Sociology 2001
Allen Schick School of Public Policy 2001
Katepalli R. Sreenivasan (Left UMD) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mark Turner (Left UMD) Department of English 2001
Michael F. A'Hearn (Deceased) Department of Astronomy 2000
Mark I. Friedlin (Retired) Department of Mathematics 2000
George H. Lorimer (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry 2000
Ellen Williams Department of Physics
Institute of Physical Science & Technology
Millard Alexander (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Theodor Diener (Deceased) Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 1999
Jan V. Sengers (Retired) Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Ira Berlin (Deceased) Department of History 1998
George Gloeckler (Retired) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Stanley Plumly (Deceased) Department of English 1998
Harriet B. Presser (Deceased) Department of Sociology 1998
Lawrence Sherman (Left UMD) Department of Criminology & Criminal Justice 1998
Sue C. Carter (Left UMD) Department of Biology 1997
Elisabeth Gantt (Retired) Department of Cell Biology & Molecular Genetics 1997
Sergei P. Novikov (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Richard Webb (Deceased) Department of Physics 1997
Ivo Babuska (Deceased) Department of Mathematics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Stephen Brush (Retired) Department of History
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Guillermo Calvo (Left UMD) Department of Economics 1995
Sankar Das Sarma Department of Physics 1995
David C. Driskell (Deceased) Department of Studio Art 1995
Bruce L. Gardner (Deceased) Department of Agriculture & Resource Economics 1995
Ted Robert Gurr (Deceased) Department of Government & Politics 1995
Richard E. Just (Retired) Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics 1995
Edward Ott (Retired) Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering
Department of Physics
Jose Emilio Pacheco (Deceased) School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1995
Azriel Rosenfeld (Deceased) Center for Automation Research 1995
John D. Weeks (Retired) Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
James A. Yorke (Retired) Department of Mathematics
Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Roald Z. Sagdeev (Retired) Department of Physics
Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Thomas Schelling School of Public Policy
Department of Economics
Michael Fisher (Deceased) Institute for Physical Science & Technology
Department of Physics
Louis Harlan (Deceased) Department of History 1984
Mancur Olson (Deceased) Department of Economics 1980
Samuel Schoenbaum (Deceased) Department of English 1980
Robert W. Zwanzig (Deceased) Institute for Physical Science & Technology 1980