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Meet and Confer


The Office of Faculty Affairs (“OFA”) conducted the annual Meet and Confer on Monday, April 2, 2024. John Bertot, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Ursula Gorham, Associate Director for Faculty Initiatives, were joined by Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer Carlo Colella. Approximately 15 adjunct faculty members were in attendance. Prior to the meeting, the Office of Faculty Affairs distributed a survey to all adjunct instructional faculty so that those not in attendance could share questions and comments. Through the survey and during the Meet and Confer, faculty members raised a number of issues related to classroom instruction, including:


  • Concerns about student mental health
  • Lack of consistency in grading 
  • Attendance and class participation 
  • Lack of designated space to meet with students


Attendees also raised a number of questions related to adjunct pay. In response to the various questions, Associate Provost Bertot provided information to attendees regarding: University actions such as the Mental Health Task Force established by Provost Rice and Vice President Patty Perillo to assess mental health issues on our campus, as well as University resources of potential assistance; University grading and course attendance policies and procedures; and University policies regarding space and resources for adjuncts. Associate Provost Bertot also indicated that OFA would follow up with academic units regarding suggestions offered by attendees related to the above issues. 


Regarding compensation, Associate Provost Bertot provided a summary of the findings and recommendations set forth in the PTK Working Group’s report and shared information about OFA’s current efforts to gain a clearer understanding of compensation structures and levels within units and Colleges. The goal of this data collection and analysis is to create centralized review and guidance for a more harmonized approach across campus that leads to greater compensation equity. 


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