
Department of English
Laura J. Rosenthal is Director for Faculty Leadership and a Professor in the English Department. Her position in the Office of Faculty Affairs has two major components: development of stronger and more effective faculty mentoring programs, and development and support for academic leaders. She is a liaison to the Big 10 Academic Alliance Academic Leadership Program and Department Executive Officers Seminar. Dr. Rosenthal previously served as the ADVANCE Professor for ARHU.
Her research has been supported by fellowships from the Folger Shakespeare Library, the Newberry Library, and the NEH. She specializes in Restoration and eighteenth-century British Literature, with particular interests in drama, fiction, gender, sexuality, the Enlightenment, property, and empire. She also edits the journal Restoration: Studies in English Literature and Culture, 1660-1700. She is currently completing a project on theater and cosmopolitanism in the Restoration and eighteenth century.