PTK Mentoring Session Information
Launching this year is a special program to create lasting mentor-mentee relationships between PTK faculty. Whether you're a more experienced PTK Faculty member or a new PTK Faculty member, this program offers opportunities for growth in teaching, research, administration, leadership, work-life balance, and more. The matching process will be led by the Social/Networking PTK Symposium Committee. We aim to extend this program beyond the duration of the symposium for long-term impact.
Mentoring Workshop
The session will include an introduction to the campus-wide mentoring program. The aim of this program is to generate a database of mentor volunteers and mentees to be paired up. We aim to match pairs and start a yearlong partnership that would help PTK in various areas such as teaching, research, administration, and more. A discussion and brainstorming of ideas will follow the program introduction. We hope that this program will continue with next year's PTK Symposium Networking Committee at the helm thus starting a tradition and a new resource for PTK at the university.