Opening Plenary
PTK Working Group Recommendations | Panel and Town Hall with Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, John Bertot
Mar 8, 9:15 am
- 10:30 am
Atrium 1107
- John Bertot, Moderator, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs & Professor, iSchool
- Colleen Worthington, Clinical Professor Emerita and former Director of Clinical Education in the Department of Hearing & Speech Sciences
- Jacqueline Takacs, Principal Agent, University of Maryland Extension
- Jo Zimmerman, Senior Lecturer, KNES, School of Public Health
- Ursula Gorham, Associate Director for Faculty Initiatives in the Office of Faculty Affairs
The Professional Track Working Group was convened by Senior Vice President and Provost Jennifer King Rice and the Office of Faculty Affairs in May 2022. It was divided into four subgroups: 1) Appointment, evaluation, and promotion (AEP) processes; 2) Workload policy for PTK faculty; 3) Contracts and compensation; and, 4) PTK titles.
During the PTK Working Group Panel, members will summarize subgroups and recommendations. After brief presentations, members and moderator John Bertot, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs, will respond to questions regarding the Working Group activities and outcomes in a town hall format.