Foreign Visitor Information
Foreign non-paid faculty appointments are appointments for international visitors that do not involve payment of salary or other compensation but do provide an academic rank.
Non-paid faculty appointments may be granted only when a dean and the Provost of the University determine that such an appointment will advance the University’s mission. The Offer Letter must be approved by the department head, the relevant dean, and the Provost. If a school or unit wishes to extend the rights and privileges that are within its authority to convey, such as office space or other facility usage, such rights and privileges must also be stipulated as part of the Offer Letter. The purpose of this web application is to collect the relevant data associated with the offer. The application will utilize the data to generate a PDF Offer Letter and send a visit screening request to the Export Compliance Office (when required for foreign visits).
The Process
- Log in to the Contracts and Appointments website. To request access credentials, contact the Office of Faculty Affairs (
- Complete the New Non-Paid Foreign Appointment form with all required details of the appointment.
- If a Foreign Scholar Appointment screening is required by the Export Compliance Office (visit ECO's website for more details), complete the screening request after you have filled out the Non-Paid Foreign Appointment form. If a screening is not required, advance to Step 4.
- Wait for Foreign Visit Request screening approval (allow 2-3 business days for processing).
- Using the web application, generate a PDF Offer Letter and send to appointee’s institution for approval.
- Create a contract for a 0% FTE appointment using the Faculty Contracts System.
- Create the appointment in Workday for institutional approval, uploading the fully executed contract during the hire process.
- Once the Workday appointment has been approved, initiate the Visa request in ARS/iTerp if the University is sponsoring the visitor's visa.
- Manually route the paper Offer Letter for signature by the faculty host, department/unit head, and dean.
- After the paper Offer Letter has been signed and Workday appointment approved, return a scan of the Offer Letter to appointee's institution and send a CC to