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Changes Coming to Faculty Success (May 2024)

May 2024

A few changes have been implemented or will be available in the near future with the Faculty Success system. Details on these changes are outlined below.

And remember: although the official reporting and approval process has completed, the system is always available for you to add new activities or update information. Keep your activity data up to date by adding and updating in Faculty Success as you go.

System Changes and Enhancements
Data Share and ORCiD exports: In collaboration with ORCiD, Watermark is now able to sync publication data in Faculty Success with the ORCiD database, enhancing the faculty experience.

ORCiD provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities ensuring that the researchers work is recognized.

A new feature in Faculty Success called Data Share is available to users who have authenticated with ORCiD. For faculty who enable Data Sharing, an automatic export of their publication data to ORCiD will occur on a weekly basis (publications with DOIs identified are exported to ORCiD). This ensures that ORCiD is always updated with any changes made to your Faculty Success profile.

The Import from ORCiD feature is still available on the Publications summary page. It can be used to transfer existing ORCiD data into a Faculty Success profile before enabling the export for a specific faculty member. Do be aware that ORCiD does not provide the full list of authors on imported publication citations.

Proxy and delegate users have the ability to enable the Data Sharing export for faculty members who have already authenticated with ORCiD through Faculty Success.

To use the ORCiD Export feature, you will need to authorize the connection with your ORCiD account. This is accomplished from the Import tool on the Publications activity screen. Navigate to Publications from the Activities top menu item, and from there, click on the Import tool. Choose ORCiD as the Third Party service. You'll see a link to Authenticate your ORCiD account after selecting that service.  See the Watermark how-to instructions for connecting your ORCiD account with Faculty Success:

New How-to Videos are now available on the How-to Basics page of the OFA Faculty Success website. Two new short videos demonstrate (a) how to eliminate duplicate entries on an activity screen using the Compare and Merge tool in Faculty Success; and (b) how to export data from one or more activity screens in a spreadsheet format.

More to Come
Optional Publication Import via Academic Analytics Integration: Through the university's Academic Analytics license, we are able to get regular updates on publications attributed to our faculty. The set of publications is limited to those with DOI identifiers. This import option will automatically review the set of newly identified DOI publication citations from Academic Analytics and identify the new citations not already in Faculty Success, asking faculty via email if they would like to have one or more of the citations imported into Faculty Success on their behalf. We anticipate that this new integration will be a time saver for faculty by regularly updating their publications activity data in Faculty Success.

Research Advising to Support Committee Involvement: In an effort to better support faculty's ability to document their research advising activities, OFA has analyzed the existing Research Advising activity records and found that 60% of the records with Role of Other are for involvement in research advising related committees. As a result, the options available for the Role in Research Advising are being expanded to include a number of committees - e.g., Dissertation Committee, Comprehensive Exam Committee, etc. - along with Reader roles. Existing data will be updated where appropriate to use these newly defined roles.

University CV template: We are currently drafting documentation explaining the various headings and sections of the University CV template. This will help faculty better understand where to document their activities, and support review committees' assessment of CVs in faculty dossiers.

If you have other recommendations for improvement, we welcome your input -


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