SciENcv, Biosketches and ORCiD
NIH and NSF require use of SciENcv for biographical sketch submissions; the BioSketch screens and reports that were available in Faculty Success no longer generate the correct output for biographical sketch submissions to these and other government agencies.
Faculty Success does offer an integration with ORCiD. Faculty can enable the Data Sharing provision with ORCiD and their publications that include DOIs will be exported to ORCiD. ORCiD has the capability to send the ORCiD data to SciENcv for biographical sketch creation.
If you hae authenticated with ORCiD in Faculty Success through the Publications Import feature, you can choose to have your publications automatically exported to ORCiD through the Data Sharing Settings, found in the Activities area. The export to ORCiD happens on a weekly basis. Read more about authenticating ORCiD in Faculty Success and enabling automatic exports through Data Sharing Settings.