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PTK Promotion Tracks Across Schools

Mar 8, 2:30 pm - 3:20 pm
Benjamin Banneker 2212

Session Theme

Panelists will share their experiences in creating PTK promotion tracks in their units. While we don't have to have a uniform process across schools, the outcome of the process must be the same: a fair, equitable and clear process whereby the faculty are informed at each step of the way. We are planning on having both faculty and administrator(s) as panelists in an effort to see both sides of the equation: the strategic/executive view and the operational implementation of the process. 

Zeinab Karake, Associate Dean for Culture & Community, Clinical Professor of IS

John Bono, Associate Clinical Professor of Information Systems, Associate Department Chair, Associate Academic Director, MS Information Systems Director, Smith Analytics Consortium

Alka Ghandi, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics

John Bertot, Affiliate Professor, Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs

Katherine Sharp, Clinical Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Behavioral and Community Health