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AEP Manual & Guidelines

When Issues Arise in the Review Process

Administrators and faculty committees are responsible for ensuring that all candidates undergoing review receive fair and impartial treatment. They should deal with perceived problems either within their Unit AEP Review Committee or through the administrative structure as soon as the issue arises. It is recommended that the Chair of the Unit AEP Review Committee inform the voting faculty about these responsibilities whenever cases are reviewed (University Senate Review of Appeals No. 99-00-13).

Any faculty member who believes that a violation has occurred during the review process is responsible for objecting at that time and asking for a resolution of the problem. Individuals in that position must inform the Unit Head, Dean, or Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs of the perceived violation (University Senate Review of Appeals No. 99-00-13).

Review for Change of Title Request

To request a change of title, a faculty member must submit a written request to their Unit Head. The Unit Head may approve the request upon a determination that the PTK faculty member satisfies the qualifications for a new appointment into that title. There should be no expectation on the part of the faculty member that their request for change of title will be granted.

The requested change must be a lateral move or change to a lower level in the new series (depending on the qualifications for appointment into the new title series), i.e. the faculty member cannot advance in rank at the same time as a title change (e.g., from a Lecturer to a Clinical Professor; however, a change from Principal Agent Associate to Associate Research Scientist may be possible). 

In departmentalized Colleges/Schools, upon approval by the Unit Head, the request will be forwarded to the Dean for their approval. Upon approval by the Dean, the Unit will process the change in title series in the APA system. A title change is considered a new appointment, thereby requiring the issuance of a new contract and terms (e.g., salary, assigned duties, FTE) by the Unit to the faculty member.

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