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AEP Manual & Guidelines

New Appointments

Benefits-eligible PTK appointments in promotable ranks are subject to the University’s Equity Guidelines for Search and Selection

The dossier must include:

  1. Nomination and support letter from Unit Head (in departmentalized Colleges) or Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs or equivalent (in non-departmentalized College);
  2. The candidate’s CV; 
  3. The Unit AEP Review Committee’s vote and report (in departmentalized Colleges);
  4. The Unit Head’s Letter of Support;
  5. The College AEP Review Committee’s vote and report (if applicable); and
  6. The Dean’s letter of support.

For the duration of the review, the individual may be granted a visiting appointment. Note: there is not a University “off-cycle” review process for appointments into the highest PTK rank.

New appointments to mid-level PTK faculty ranks

New appointments to the ranks of mid-level PTK faculty ranks will follow the procedures for mid-level promotions set forth above.

For the duration of the review, the individual may be granted a visiting appointment.

New appointments to the third level

New faculty appointments to the third level must be 1) reviewed in accordance with the procedures for promotion to the third level set forth above (including review by the Campus AEP Review Committee), and 2) approved by the Provost. No offer of appointment to the third level PTK faculty rank is valid in the absence of the Provost’s approval. 

For the duration of the review, the individual may be granted a visiting appointment. 

All requests for new appointments at the third level must be accompanied by a separate memo that provides the information on the New Faculty Appointment Information Form (see Appendix), required for the Provost’s approval of the appointment.  

Dossiers for new appointments to the third level PTK rank differ slightly from dossiers of candidates being promoted from within. They lack a Summary of Professional Achievements and Personal Statement. Additionally, for instructional faculty, a teaching portfolio is recommended but not required. Such dossiers should, however, contain as much information as possible to demonstrate that the candidate has the qualifications, experience, and skills to perform their duties at the third level. The Unit, in accordance with its AEP plan, may require letters from internal and/or external evaluators, in accordance with the guidance set forth below.

New Appointments of Emerita/Emeritus Status

Professional track faculty members at the third rank with ten years of service are eligible for nomination to Emerita/Emeritus status (see APT Policy Section IV.G for review information). Candidates for Emerita/Emeritus status are not reviewed by faculty committees beyond the first level Unit AEP or APT Review Committee. Materials submitted for emeritus/emerita appointments should include a copy of the documentation of retirement and other materials mentioned in the Appendix. Dossiers for Emerita/Emeritus candidates may be submitted at any time, and the date on which Emerita/Emeritus status is to become effective must be specified.

Appointments in more than one unit

PTK faculty members with appointments in promotable PTK ranks in more than one unit must be appointed into the same rank and title series across their appointments.

With a joint appointment, a faculty member holds simultaneous appointments (of any percentage) in more than one Unit, and those appointments must be governed by a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Units. At a minimum, the MOU must specify: 1) the primary Unit for any promotion review (this could be determined by percentage FTE or by agreement among the Units and faculty member in the case of equal FTE distribution among units); 2) conduct of promotion reviews, including composition of the review committee (which may include representative(s) from the secondary Unit) and the mechanisms through which input from the secondary Unit will be gathered; and 3) promotion criteria to be used for the review. The primary Unit’s criteria may be used, or the Units and the faculty member may agree upon modified review criteria for the faculty member. If modified criteria are developed, the faculty member and Unit Heads of the appointing Units must approve the criteria.  

A PTK faculty member may also hold simultaneous appointments, in more than one Unit, that are not governed by an MOU. A faculty member with such dual (or multiple) appointments of any percentage FTE that, when combined, total 50% or more, who decides to seek promotion must inform the Unit Heads of each Unit in which they have an appointment. Upon being informed by the faculty member, the Unit Heads must confer and reach an agreement that covers the MOU terms set forth in the preceding paragraph. This refers to standard faculty appointments, and does not apply to overload appointments (e.g., a Faculty specialist in one Unit with a teaching overload as a Lecturer in another Unit to teach a course). 

Expedited Appointments

In cases where a Unit has identified a potential faculty hire it has reason to believe is highly competitive and warrants an expedited review (sometimes referred to as a “target of opportunity” appointment), the review process can be streamlined. It is anticipated that there would be relatively few appointments of this nature, as these individuals should be of a professional and reputational stature that merits consideration for an expedited review. The streamlined process may also be used for individuals considered for administrative positions (e.g., center/institute leadership, program director). This process is not intended as a means to circumvent the normal review process or as a way to reduce the time of the review. 

This streamlined process requires candidates to be nominated by both the Unit Head (if applicable) and the Dean and then approved by the Provost’s Office. The first-level and second-level reviews would take place per current practice in the candidate’s Unit, to be followed by a review by the Dean and then a review by the Provost. 

For the duration of the review, the individual may be granted a visiting appointment.


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