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APT Manual & Guidelines

Overview of APT Process

The Structure of Reviews

Faculty members must have their tenure homes in tenure granting Units. While faculty members may have partial percentage appointments within secondary Units, every tenure track faculty member must have a designated tenure home Unit which serves as the primary Unit for the tenure review process. The University has three organizational structures that determine the tenure review process:

  1. Departmental. The tenure granting Unit is structured as a Department, and Departments are combined into Colleges. There are three levels of review: Department, College, and University (which includes the University APT Faculty Review Committee, Provost, and President).
  2. Schools within Colleges. The tenure granting Unit is structured as a School, and Schools reside within Colleges (e.g., the School of Music; the School Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies; the School of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures). There are three levels of review: School (equivalent of a Department), College, and University (which includes the University APT Faculty Review Committee, Provost, and President).
  3. Non-Departmentalized Colleges. Non-departmentalized Colleges (the College of Information Studies; School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation; the School of Public Policy; and the Robert H. Smith School of Business) have two levels of review: School/College and University (which includes the University APT Faculty Review Committee, Provost, and President).

Actions at the Unit/College and University levels are governed by campus-wide policies. In accordance with Board of Regents Policy on Appointment, Rank and Tenure, II-1.00, an award of tenure and promotion can only be granted by an affirmative decision by the President based upon a formal review.  Board of Regents Policy dictates that each institution have written procedures governing the promotion and tenure process. This institution’s written procedures are set forth in the University of Maryland Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Policy and Procedures II-1.00(A).  A decision by the President to award tenure follows advice and recommendations from both administrators and a faculty APT Review Committee at each of three levels, as appropriate to their organizational structure:  Department (or School), College and University.

Reviews are conducted as follows: (1) at the first level by (a) the Department Faculty APT Review Committee and (b) Department Chair; (2) at the second level by (a) the College Faculty APT Review Committee and (b) the Dean; and (3) at the third level by  (a) the University Faculty APT Review Committee and (b) the Provost.  In Colleges and Schools that are not departmentalized, there are only two levels of review and recommendations prior to a final decision by the President; the College/School Faculty APT Review Committee and Dean function as the first level of review.

In this University APT Manual containing both the required procedures, implementation and recommended guidelines, suggestions and advice for tenure and promotion review, the terms “Department” and “Chair” are equivalent to the “first-level Unit” and “Unit head” (in the case of non-departmentalized Colleges and Schools, this refers to College/School and Dean).

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