Faculty Success: Updates
The 2023 Annual Activity Report submission process officially opened on January 16, 2024. All tenured and tenure-track faculty members must complete and submit their 2023 Annual Activity Report by March 15, 2024. Many units will require Professional Track (PTK) faculty members to submit these reports as well. All benefits-eligible PTK faculty will have access to 2023 Annual Activity Reporting using the Workflow function within Faculty Success. These PTK faculty members will receive all of the annual reporting communications, whether or not their units require them to participate. PTK faculty members should consult their department chairs or unit heads with questions about participation requirements and opportunities.
Weekly training sessions over Zoom are being offered for faculty to prepare for annual activity reporting. The training covers use of the platform, data integrations, tracking activities, time-saving tips, and goals and expectations for entering data. The schedule and registration are on the Faculty Affairs website.
Submitting your annual activity report is a straightforward process:
- Log in to Faculty Success.
- Enter your Activities on the Faculty Success platform for the calendar year 2023.
- Go to the Workflow section (available in the top red bar), select the 2023 Annual Activity Review task from the Inbox, and review the guidelines for report preparation. You have the option to add a personal statement for the year by attaching a file.
- Submit your report and personal statement to your unit approver.
You can learn more about the submission process through this short video, or by reading the Annual Activity Report Submission Guide.
Submitting an annual report without entering your 2023 activities does not meet the University’s annual report requirement for tenured and tenure track faculty.
A Few Things To Remember
Faculty Success integrates with several citation management systems and supports BibTeX file import. This is an easy way to bring in your publications. University Libraries has a guide on how to use the Publication Import feature in Faculty Success.
Courses taught data for Fall 2023 will be auto-populated by January 28, 2024. Completed thesis/dissertation committee involvement data will be auto-populated for 2023 by February 12, 2024.
A bulk data import/update service is available. We can import your activity data from an Excel file into Faculty Success. Templates for ten commonly used activity screens are available on the Faculty Affairs website, as well as template column definitions. If you send your populated Excel file to the Faculty Success team by February 23, 2024, we will be able to load your data into Faculty Success by this year’s deadline.
This service can also apply bulk updates to activity records on a particular screen in Faculty Success, avoiding record-by-record editing in the system. Contact the Faculty Success team to get an Excel file pre-populated with your data for the associated data screen. You'll send the updated Excel file back to the Faculty Success team and we will load your updates into Faculty Success.
The Faculty Affairs Activities Data website is not only your starting point for logging in to Faculty Success; it is also a self-service resource with short how-to videos, extensive user guides, and contact information for the Faculty Success team. Platform support is available through emailing the team at fs-help@umd.edu and by phone (301.405.7681).