- Review the College’s/School Plan of Organization and/or the College/School’s AEP plan to ensure it contains sufficient procedural guidelines for the appointment of a College/School AEP Review Committee and the role of the Dean with respect to the Committee.
- Ensure that the review conforms to those guidelines.
- Review and approve College/School and Unit promotion criteria.
- Recommend appointees to the Campus AEP and Appeals Committee (APT Policy Section IV.C.1.; Section V.A.1.).
- Inform Unit Heads of changes to the AEP Guidelines and all new policies related to the appointment, evaluation and promotion of PTK faculty
- Discuss with Unit Heads their evaluation of the preceding year’s AEP process and outcomes.
- Set deadlines for candidates’ submission of dossiers to Units in the College/School, and inform Units of those deadlines in a timely manner.
- Appoint members of the College/School AEP Review Committee in accordance with its Plan of Organization and its AEP Plan.
- Provide staffing for the College/School AEP Review Committee.
- Ensure that the AEP decision meeting is properly conducted, and that discussion and evaluation of the candidate is impartial, fair, and unbiased.
- Inspect the dossier for accuracy, completeness and conformity to these guidelines.
- Review recommendations of the prior level of review and the College/School AEP Review Committee, and write a letter to the Provost making an independent judgment about each case for promotion to the highest rank.
- In the event of a denial, review and certify the procedural and substantive appropriateness of the review and notify the candidate in writing within two weeks of the final decision. Copies should be sent to the Unit Head and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs. The correspondence and the dossier should be retained.
- Write a brief summary letter informing the candidate, the Unit Head, and Chair of the Unit AEP Review Committee of the outcome of the College/School AEP Review Committee’s and Dean’s deliberations, and the rationale behind it if either the College/School AEP Review Committee or the Dean makes a negative recommendation about the candidate’s case. This summary letter should be available for review by members of the College/School AEP Review Committee and should be included in the dossier (see Table on Candidate Notification in Appendix).
- For third-level promotions, submit the dossiers and all other materials to the Office of Faculty Affairs’ APA System by the campus submission deadline.
- Meet with the Campus AEP Committee to address questions raised during their review of promotions to the third level.
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