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APT Manual & Guidelines

The Dean’s Responsibilities

  • Reviewing the College’s Plan of Organization to ensure it contains sufficient procedural guidelines for the appointment of a College Review Committee and the role of the Dean with respect to the Committee.
  • Ensuring that the review conforms to College as well as University guidelines.
  • Reviewing and approving College and Department promotion criteria.
  • Recommending appointees to the Campus APT and Campus Appeals Committee (APT Policy Section IV.C.1; Section V.A.1).
  • Informing Chairs of changes in the APT Policy and Guidelines, and discussing with Chairs their evaluation of the preceding year’s APT process and outcomes.
  • Preparing a schedule for submission of dossiers to the Departments in the College, and informing them of that schedule in a timely manner.
  • Certifying the procedural and substantive appropriateness of the review when candidates are denied tenure and/or promotion at a lower level of review. Deans must write and send a letter by electronic and certified mail to the candidate within two weeks of the decision that informs the candidate of the outcome, appropriateness of the review, and the consequences of this denial (APT Policy Section IV.A.5). Copies should be sent to the Chair and Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.  The correspondence and the dossier should be retained.
  • Appointing members of the College APT Review Committee in accordance with its Plan of Organization (APT Policy Section IV.B.1).
  • Providing staffing for the College APT Review Committee and ensuring that the APT decision meeting is properly conducted, and that discussion and evaluation of the candidate is impartial, fair, and unbiased.       
  • Reviewing recommendations of the prior level of review and the College APT Review Committee, and writing a letter to the Provost making an independent judgment about each promotion and/or tenure case (APT Policy Section IV.B.3; Section IV.B.5).
  • Writing a brief summary letter informing the candidate, the Department Chair, and Chair of the Department APT Review Committee summarizing the outcome of the College APT Review Committee’s and Dean’s deliberations, and the rationale behind it if either the College APT Review Committee or the Dean makes a negative recommendation about the candidate’s case. This summary letter should be available to members of the College APT Review Committee who can decide to amend it, and the letter should be included in the dossier (APT Policy Section IV.D; also see Table on Candidate Notification in Appendix).
  • Inspecting the dossier for accuracy and completeness.
  • Remanding the case back to lower levels for reconsideration or correction to the dossier as appropriate should inaccuracies or incomplete information be detected, or any procedural  or due process violations noted. If the Dean remands the case back to the first level for any corrective action, the Dean will issue a written letter detailing the concerns and requirements necessary to address the noted concerns. A copy of the letter will be included in the dossier as part of the record of the review. Prior to issuing the letter, the Dean should consult with the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs.
  • Forwarding the dossier to the Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs for further review.
  • Meeting with the University APT Review Committee to address questions that may arise (APT Policy Section IV.C.2).
  • Including in a separate memo accompanying the dossiers, the terms of appointment, start date and projected salary in appointment requests (See Appendix) for new appointments. If the appointment is accepted by the candidate, notifying the Office of Faculty Affairs.
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