While dossier materials will vary according to the nature of the case, there are some elements that are found in every dossier:
- Transmittal Form. The transmittal form, besides providing the information used to record the candidate’s new or changed appointment, serves as a summary of the first and second level meeting dates and votes, along with the evaluations of the Dean and Department Chair. The transmittal form is a PDF form, so you can open it from the Faculty Affairs website, enter the appropriate information, and then save it to your own computer for when you come back to add information to it. More information about completing the transmittal form is available in the Elements of the Dossier section below.
- Promotion Criteria. The promotion criteria included must be current. Additionally, if the candidate has modified criteria for tenure or promotion, these must be included in the dossier.
- Letter Log. The letter log constitutes a summary of the requests for external evaluation. Letters from external evaluators make up an important part of the dossier, so the log must show clearly who has been contacted, when, and what their response was. Use the Letter Log template available from the Faculty Affairs website.
- Reputation of Publication Outlets. Though this information is likely to be prepared by members of the Advisory Subcommittee, it should be presented in a clear and consistent fashion, which may well mean it becomes the responsibility of a staff member.
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