In non-departmentalized Colleges/Schools, the College/School AEP Review Committee, in conducting the first level Review, will operate in accordance with the information set forth in the Unit AEP Review Committee section. Departmentalized Colleges/Schools may, but are not required to, establish a College/School AEP Review Committee but, in all cases, they must follow the procedures for a second level review set forth in their AEP plan.
The College/School AEP Review Committee must include PTK faculty and may include tenured faculty at or above the rank sought by the candidate; any additional requirements regarding the composition of the Committee must be set forth in the College/School Plan of Organization or AEP Plan.
The College/School AEP Review Committee Chair has the responsibility of ensuring that discussion and evaluation of the candidate is impartial, fair, and unbiased. The College/School AEP Committee report must include the date of the meeting and the names of Committee members. The report should include a statement of the exact vote and the reasons for the recommendation. It should address the same areas as the Unit AEP report described above.
When the vote is not unanimous, the report should explain the reasons for the negative votes or abstentions. If the assessment differs from the Unit vote, an explanation should be provided. Minority reports are permissible.