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APT Manual & Guidelines


Dean’s Letter

This letter should state the Dean’s personal assessment of the reasons the candidate merits or does not merit promotion (APT Policy Section IV.B.5).

The letter should start with a specific description of the candidate’s area of expertise. It should contain an honest and balanced assessment of the candidate’s scholarship or creativity, teaching, mentoring and service, and a clearly stated recommendation. If this recommendation differs from that of the Department APT Review Committee, College APT Review Committee, or the Department Chair, the reasons underlying the dissent must be explained. Negative votes or abstentions at the College level must be explained. The Dean can provide a context for evaluating the candidate through characterizing the strengths of the Department, its role in the College and the role of the candidate in enhancing the excellence of the Department. The letter should also discuss the expectations of the College and Department for promotion.

Dean’s Notification to Candidate

When either the College (Second Level) APT Review Committee or the Dean make a negative recommendation, the Dean must: (1) write a brief letter to the candidate summarizing the nature of the considerations on which the negative decision was based, (2) allow the Chair of the College APT Review Committee to review and, if necessary, correct the information in the summary letter, and (3) include this letter in the dossier directly following the Dean’s letter (APT Policy Section IV.D, page 71). Members of the College APT Review Committee may see the Dean’s letter. A summary is not necessary if both College-level recommendations are positive.

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