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Appointment Agreements

Below are links to the University's Appointment Agreements. For all part-time faculty, please refer to the Faculty Eligibility for Benefits Chart in completing the agreement. Include under "Additional Terms" ONLY those benefits for which the faculty member is eligible.

Tenure Track & Tenured Faculty

Document Description
A template for creating the appointment agreement used with TTK faculty.
The New Faculty Appointment Information form provides information about the new faculty member’s appointment and salary. It is used primarily by the Budget Office and Personnel.
Template for offer letter to new TTK candidate

Professional Track Faculty

Document Description
Use this template when the Dean wishes to grant temporary signing authority to a chair or other individual..
Use this template when the Dean wishes to grant signing authority to a chair or other individual.
Use this template for hiring PTK faculty

Non-Paid Appointments

University of Maryland Professor

If appointing a University of Maryland Professor who currently holds an appointment at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, at the level of professor, please follow these guidelines. Also, please use this transmittal form, which is specific to the appointment of University of Maryland, Baltimore professors.

Domestic & Foreign Visitors

Two templates are available for creating an invitation to a domestic visitor. Click the template name to download a copy:

  1. Visiting Researchers - Domestic - Academia & Gov't. This letter is for use with visiting researchers from other academic or research institutions or government agencies. In order to accommodate the IP policies of other universities, research institutions, or government agencies, the Vice President for Research has waived the portion of UMD's IP policy that requires UMD to own any IP developed by the visiting researcher and has instead allowed UMD and the visitor's institution to jointly own any resulting IP. This joint ownership arrangement is reflected in the terms of this letter.
  2. Visiting Researchers - Domestic - Industry. This letter is for use with visiting researchers from industry (e.g., companies). UMD's IP policy requires that UMD owns all resulting IP developed by the corporate visitor; this policy complies with IRS regulations. Any changes to the IP ownership language in the industry letter must be approved by the UMD Vice President for Research; the UMD unit issuing the visiting researcher letter must submit an IP waiver. (See for additional information about IP waiver requests. Please note that you may need to process the IP waiver through UM Ventures and not ORA. See for UM Ventures contact information.)

Visiting Researchers - Foreign. UMD must run an export compliance check on foreign visiting researchers; this means a letter template is not immediately available for download. Click here for more information about the approval process for foreign researchers. Login to the PTK Contracts System to begin the process.

Change in Appointment Term

Faculty who wish to change from a 9.5 or 10 month contract to an Academic Year (9 month) contract must complete the Request For Change In University Of Maryland Appointment Agreement form. Faculty members who are currently on 12-month appointments may request, after consultation with their department chair, a change in the fraction of their salary provided by the State. If approved, the change should be reflected in Workday. The change must be consistent with the policy adopted by the faculty member's college.

The form should be signed by the faculty member's department chair and dean. Faculty who have joint appointments must obtain the endorsement of the heads of both units, and if the appointment spans two colleges, both deans. By March 15th, the signed form should be sent to the Office of Faculty Affairs, 2117 Main Administration Building, for certification. If the faculty member is changing to a 12-month appointment, the signed form must be accompanied by a letter explaining why the conversion is appropriate and what will happen to the faculty member's salary and leave balances when he/she returns to an Academic Year (9-month) appointment.

Upon verification of the information and obtaining final approval from the Provost, the Associate Provost will retain the original and disseminate copies to the faculty member, dean, department chair, and Payroll Office. In order for the change in appointment status to be effective at the beginning of the next fiscal year, the appointment change request must arrive at the Office of the Associate Provost by the preceding March 15th.

Effective Dates

Fall Semester8/23-1/078/17-1/078/17-1/15
Spring Semester1/8-5/221/8-5/311/16-6/15
Academic Year8/23-5/228/17-5/318/17-6/15

12-month contracts begin July 1, end June 30.

Appointment Information by Title

See the Faculty Titles page.