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Other Faculty Appointments: Not Eligible for Tenure

The following are the official descriptions of faculty titles per the University of Maryland Policy on Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure of Faculty (II-1.00(A)). Please note that only the faculty titles listed below may be used for appointees to faculty status.

Adjunct and Affiliate Faculty

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Adjunct Associate Professor, Adjunct Professor

The appointee shall be associated with the faculty of a department or non-departmentalized school or college, but shall not be essential to the development of that unit's program. The titles do not carry tenure. The appointee may be paid or unpaid. The appointee may be employed outside the University, but shall not hold another paid appointment at the University of Maryland at College Park. The appointee shall have such expertise in his or her discipline and be so well regarded that his or her appointment will have the endorsement of the majority of the members of the professorial faculty of the academic unit. 

Any academic unit may recommend to the administration persons of these ranks; normally, the number of adjunct appointments shall comprise no more than a small percentage of the faculty in an academic unit. 

Affiliate Assistant Professor, Affiliate Associate Professor, Affiliate Professor

These titles shall be used to recognize the affiliation of a faculty member or other university employee with an academic unit other than that to which his or her appointment and salary are formally linked. The nature of the affiliation shall be specified in writing, and the appointment shall be made upon the recommendation of the faculty of the department with which the appointee is to be affiliated and with the consent of the faculty of his or her primary department. The rank of affiliation shall be commensurate with the appointee's qualifications.

Artist-in-Residence Ranks

Assistant Artist-in-Residence

This title, generally parallel to Assistant Professor, is intended for those persons whose professional activities are of a creative or performance nature, including but not limited to theatre, dance, music, and art. Normally, appointees to this rank shall hold the terminal degree in the field and/or have demonstrated superior ability in professional activities. 

Associate Artist-in-Residence

This title is generally parallel to Associate Professor. In addition to the qualifications of the Assistant Artist-in-Residence, the appointee's record of professional activities shall demonstrate a national reputation among colleagues. 


This title is generally parallel to Professor. In addition to the qualifications of the Associate Artist-in-Residence, appointees shall demonstrate a sustained record of superior proficiency and excellence, and an international reputation among colleagues in the field. Appointments are typically made as five-year contracts. Appointments for additional five-year terms can be renewed as early as the third year of any given five-year contract.

Assistant Research Faculty Ranks

Assistant Research Engineer

This rank is generally parallel to Assistant Professor. Appointees shall have a demonstrated record of superior engineering practice, design, and development. Appointees should be qualified and competent to direct the work of others (such as technicians, graduate students, other engineering personnel). An earned doctoral degree will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank. Appointments to this rank are typically one to three years and are renewable.

Assistant Research Professor

This rank is generally parallel to Assistant Professor. Appointees shall have demonstrated superior research ability and potential for contributing to the educational mission through teaching or service. Appointees should be qualified and competent to direct the work of others (such as technicians, graduate students, other research personnel). An earned doctoral degree will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank. 

Assistant Research Scholar

This rank is generally parallel to Assistant Professor. Appointees to this rank shall have demonstrated superior scholarly research ability and be qualified and competent to direct the work of others (such as technicians, graduate students, other research personnel). An earned doctoral degree will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank.

Assistant Research Scientist

This rank is generally parallel to Assistant Professor. Appointees shall have demonstrated superior scientific research ability. Appointees should be qualified and competent to direct the work of others (such as technicians, graduate students, other research personnel). An earned doctoral degree will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank. 

Faculty Specialist

The appointee shall hold a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant area and show potential for excellence in the administration and/or management of academic or research programs. Faculty Specialists are expected to engage in activities such as developing curriculum and/or innovative means for delivering curriculum, supervising the non-research activities of graduate or post-doctoral students, serving as grant writers or authors of other publications for an academic or research program, conducting specialized research duties or other such duties that would generate intellectual property to which the faculty member shall retain the rights. 

Associate Research Faculty Ranks

Associate Research Engineer

This rank is generally parallel to Associate Professor. In addition to having the qualifications required of the Assistant Research Engineer, appointees shall have a record of significant engineering achievement, show promise of continued productivity, and have the ability to propose, develop, and manage engineering projects. 

Associate Research Professor

This rank is generally parallel to Associate Professor. In addition to the qualifications required of the Assistant Research Professor, appointees shall have extensive successful experience in scholarly or creative endeavors, the ability to propose, develop, and manage major research projects, and proven contributions to the educational mission through teaching or service. 

Associate Research Scholar

This rank is generally parallel to Associate Professor. In addition to the qualifications required of the Assistant Research Scholar, appointees shall have extensive successful experience in scholarly or creative endeavors sufficient to have established a regional and national reputation among colleagues, and where appropriate, the ability to propose, develop, and manage research projects. Appointees should provide tangible evidence of sound scholarly production in research, publications, professional achievements, or other distinguished and creative activities. 

Associate Research Scientist

This rank is generally parallel to Associate Professor. In addition to having the qualifications required of the Assistant Research Scientist, appointees shall have significant scientific research accomplishments, show promise of continued productivity, and have the ability to propose, develop, and manage research projects. 

Senior Faculty Specialist

In addition to showing superior ability to administer academic or research programs, as evidenced by successfully discharging responsibilities such as those of the Faculty Specialist, the appointee shall hold a Master’s degree or have at least 3 years full-time experience as a Faculty Specialist (or similar appointment at another institution), or its equivalent. 

Clinical Titles

Assistant Clinical Professor

The appointee shall hold, as a minimum, the terminal professional degree in the field, with training and experience in an area of specialization. There must be clear evidence of a high level of ability in clinical practice and teaching in the departmental field, and the potential for clinical and teaching excellence in a subdivision of this field. The appointee should also have demonstrated scholarly and / or administrative ability.

Associate Clinical Professor

In addition to the qualifications required of a Clinical Assistant Professor, the appointee should ordinarily have had extensive successful experience in clinical or professional practice in a field of specialization, or in a subdivision of the departmental field, and in working with and/or directing others (such as professionals, faculty members, graduate students, fellows, and residents or interns) in clinical activities in the field. The appointee must also have demonstrated superior teaching ability and scholarly or administrative accomplishments.

Clinical Professor

In addition to the qualifications required of a Clinical Associate Professor, the appointee shall have demonstrated a degree of excellence in clinical practice and teaching sufficient to establish an outstanding regional and national reputation among colleagues. The appointee shall also have demonstrated extraordinary scholarly competence and leadership in the profession.

Emeriti Faculty

Emeriti Faculty

The word emerita or emeritus after any academic title listed above shall designate a faculty member who has retired from full-time employment in the University of Maryland at College Park after meritorious service to the University in the areas of teaching, research, or service. Associate Professors, Professors, Distinguished University Professors, Senior Agents, Principal Agents, Librarians III, Librarians IV, Professors of the Practice, Research Professors, Research Scientists, Research Scholars, Research Engineers, Artists-in-Residence, Principal Agent Associates, Clinical Professors, Principal Lecturers, and Principal Faculty Specialists, who have been members of the faculty of the University of Maryland at College Park for the equivalent of ten or more years of full-time service, and who give to their Chair or Dean proper written notice of their intention to retire, are eligible for nomination to emerita/emeritus status (see I.F.12 Emerita, Emeritus).  Only in exceptional circumstances may faculty with fewer than the equivalent of ten years of full-time service to the institution be recommended for emerita/emeritus status.

The decision whether or not to award emeritus standing shall be based primarily on the candidate's record of significant accomplishment in any of the three areas of (1) teaching and advisement, (2) research, scholarship, creative and/or professional activity, and (3) service.

More information about process and timelines is available on the Retirement Procedures page and in the APT Guidelines.

Dossiers for emeritus/a candidates may be submitted at any time, but the preferred time period is between April 1 and May 15. Please specify the date on which emeritus/a status is to become effective.

Field Faculty

Agent Associate

Appointees shall be able to: teach research-based subject matter from the University for community residents based on local issues and needs; assume leadership for educational development plans; deliver educational programs directly to clientele, peers, and/or volunteers through train-the-trainer or other similar venues in order to extend programming efforts throughout the state. An earned Bachelor’s degree will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank. 

Principal Agent Associate

In addition to the qualifications of the Senior Agent Associate, appointees shall show evidence of excellence in establishing and expanding successful UME programs through mentoring, scholarship, and service. An earned PhD or five years’ full-time experience as a Senior Agent Associate will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank. 

Senior Agent Associate

In addition to the qualifications of the Agent Associate, appointees shall show evidence of superior ability in establishing the foundation of a successful University of Maryland Extension program. An earned Master’s degree or 3 years’ full-time experience as an Agent Associate will be a normal minimum requirement for appointment at this rank.

Instructional Faculty


The title Lecturer will ordinarily be used to designate appointments of persons who are serving in a teaching capacity for a limited time or part-time. The normal requirement is a Master's degree in the field of instruction or a related field, or equivalent professional experience in the field of instruction. 

Principal Lecturer

In addition to the qualifications required of the Senior Lecturer, appointees to this rank shall have an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least 5 years full-time service or its equivalent as a Senior Lecturer (or similar appointment at another institution) and/or the equivalent of 5 years full-time professional experience as well as demonstrated excellence in the areas of research, service, mentoring, or program development. 

Senior Lecturer

In addition to having the qualifications of a Lecturer, the appointee shall have an exemplary teaching record over the course of at least five years of full-time instruction or its equivalent as a Lecturer (or similar appointment at another institution) and shall exhibit promise in developing additional skills in the areas of research, service, mentoring, or program development. 

Professor of the Practice

Professor of the Practice

This title may be used to appoint individuals who have demonstrated excellence in the practice as well as leadership in specific fields. The appointee shall have attained regional and national prominence and, when appropriate, international recognition of outstanding achievement. Additionally, the appointee shall have demonstrated superior teaching ability appropriate to assigned responsibilities. As a minimum, the appointee shall hold the terminal professional degree in the field or equivalent stature by virtue of experience. Appointees will hold the rank of Professor but, while having the stature, will not have rights that are limited to tenured faculty.  This title does not carry tenure, nor does time served as a Professor of the Practice count toward achieving tenure in another title.

Research Faculty

Faculty Assistant

The appointee shall be capable of assisting faculty in any dimension of academic activity and shall have ability and training adequate to the carrying out of the particular techniques required, the assembling of data, and the use and care of any specialized apparatus. A baccalaureate degree shall be the minimum requirement. 

Post-Doctoral Associate

The appointee shall have been trained in research procedures, shall be capable of carrying out individual research or collaborating in group research at the advanced level, and shall have had the experience and specialized training necessary for success in such research projects as may be undertaken. An earned doctorate shall normally be a minimum requirement. 

Research Faculty Ranks

Principal Faculty Specialist

In addition to a proven record of excellence in managing and directing an academic or research program, the appointee shall hold a Ph.D. or have at least 5 years of full-time experience as a Senior Faculty Specialist, or its equivalent. Appointments are typically made as five-year contracts. Appointments for additional five-year terms can be renewed as early as the third year of any given five-year contract.

Research Engineer

This rank is generally parallel to Professor. In addition to having the qualifications required of the Associate Research Engineer, appointees shall have established a national and, where appropriate, international reputation for outstanding engineering practice, design, and development. Appointees should provide tangible evidence of sound scholarly production in research, publications, professional achievements, or other distinguished and creative activity. 

Research Professor

This rank is generally parallel to Professor. In addition to the qualifications required of the Associate Research Professor, appointees shall have demonstrated a degree of proficiency sufficient to establish an excellent reputation among regional and national colleagues. Appointees should have a record of outstanding scholarly production in research, publications, professional achievements or other distinguished and creative activity, and exhibit excellence in contributing to the educational mission through teaching or service. 

Research Scholar

This rank is generally parallel to Professor. In addition to having the qualifications required of the Associate Research Scholar, appointees shall have demonstrated a degree of proficiency sufficient to establish an excellent reputation among national and international colleagues. Appointees should provide tangible evidence of an extensive, respected record of scholarly production in research, publications, professional achievements, or other distinguished and creative activity. 

Research Scientist

This rank is generally parallel to Professor. In addition to having the qualifications required of the Associate Research Scientist, appointees shall have established a national and, where appropriate, international reputation for outstanding scientific research. Appointees should provide tangible evidence of sound scholarly production in research, publications, professional achievements, or other distinguished and creative activity. 

University of Maryland Professor

University of Maryland Professor

This title may be used for nationally distinguished scholars, creative or performing artists, or researchers who have qualified for full-time appointments at the University of Maryland, Baltimore at the level of professor, who are active in MPowering the State programs, and who also qualify for full-time appointment at the University of Maryland, College Park at the level of professor. Holders of this title may provide graduate student supervision, serve as principal investigators, and participate in departmental and shared governance. Initial appointments are for three years and are renewable annually upon recommendation to the Provost by the unit head and dean. For appointment of professors from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, the initial appointment must follow this University of Maryland Professor appointment procedure, using this transmittal form.

Visiting Appointments

Visiting Appointments

The prefix Visiting before an academic title, e.g., Visiting Professor, shall be used to designate a short-term professorial appointment without tenure. 

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