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AEP Manual & Guidelines

Candidate Review of Non-Evaluative Materials

The candidate must be shown the Summary Statement, Reputation of Outlets (if applicable), Student Feedback on Course Experiences and Peer Reviews of Teaching (if applicable), the Unit’s promotion criteria or any approved agreement of modified Unit criteria relevant to the candidate, and the sample letter sent to evaluators (with any evaluators’ names redacted) at least two weeks before the Unit deliberates about the candidate’s case. Candidates must certify in writing that they have seen these document(s), either by signing and dating the individual document(s) or using a Candidate Verification Page, and must be allowed to draft a Rejoinder to the Summary Statement if they wish before the documents are reviewed by the Unit AEP Review Committee as a basis for discussion and vote. The date(s) on these materials (and any rebuttal by the candidate) must predate the meeting on which the case is decided

To facilitate production and “certification” of the report, Units should inform candidates in advance of deadlines for reviewing the Summary Statement, Reputation of Outlets, Student Feedback on Course Experiences and Peer Reviews of Teaching, and for return of the signed document(s) with any Response.

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