- Gather information and documents from the candidate.
- Draft the Summary Statement of Professional Achievements.
- Present the draft of the Summary Statement of Professional Achievements to the candidate for approval two weeks prior to the time it will be distributed to the faculty, ensuring its prompt return.
- Request internal and/or external evaluation letters.
- Obtain from the Unit Head documentation on the candidate’s teaching, including peer reviews, Student Feedback on Course Experiences, and information on the candidate’s mentorship record.
- Obtain available information on the candidate’s service record.
- Obtain available information on the candidate’s employment record at UMD, including a comprehensive summary and evaluation of the candidate's duties and assignments whether or not these duties or assignments are specified in the candidate’s employment contract.
- If applicable, evaluate journals and other outlets in which the candidate's scholarship is disseminated.
- Carefully review and evaluate the candidate’s accomplishments in teaching, scholarship, service, leadership and administration, based on the candidate’s CV, documented duties and responsibilities, personal statement, and all other supporting documentation that is clearly set forth in the Unit’s/College’s AEP plan.
- Meet to discuss and vote on the candidate’s case for promotion.
- The AEP Review Committee Chair has the responsibility of ensuring that discussion and evaluation of the candidate is impartial, fair, and unbiased.
- Write reports on: (a) the decision meeting including a record of the vote, the Committee’s recommendation and its justification, and the date of the meeting; and (b) the Evaluative Report, which is often prepared by an advisory subcommittee and is available to faculty at or prior to the voting meeting.
- Review the Chair’s summary notification letter to the candidate for accuracy (usually done by AEP Review Committee Chair).
- Represent the Unit AEP Review Committee’s perspective to higher levels of review, if needed.
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