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APT Manual & Guidelines

Reputation of Publication Outlets

The Unit (First Level) must provide an appraisal of the reputations of the publication outlets/performance venues (e.g., journals, presses, theaters, exhibits, etc.) for the candidate’s research, scholarship, and/or creative activities. At a minimum, the Reputation of Publication Outlets must include the following, as appropriate to the outlet:

  • Whether the publication outlet adheres to standards of peer review;
  • Accepted metrics of journal ratings/rankings, if applicable (e.g., impact factor, disciplinary journal rankings, acceptance rates);
  • Accepted metrics of conference ratings/rankings (e.g., acceptance rates, conference proceedings citation indexes);
  • Assessments of the quality of the press and, if applicable, the series within the press; and/or
  • Assessments of the quality of the performance/exhibit venue.

The candidate must sign and date (or initial the applicable box on the signed Candidate Verification Page) the appraisal before it is included in the dossier.

Note: Measures of the quality of publication outlets (i.e., impact factors) can vary greatly by discipline, and within specialty areas of disciplines. It is helpful for Units (First Level) to contextualize the publication outlets, particularly for reviewers outside the Units (First Level).

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