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APT Manual & Guidelines

Peer Evaluation of the Candidate's Teaching

Units must engage in systematic and periodic peer review of teaching based on classroom visits by tenured faculty colleagues that occur at regular intervals (e.g., annually, once every two years) prior to a promotion and/or tenure review.  The peer evaluation process may also include evaluation of the candidate’s mentoring and advising. Units should consult the TLTC peer review guidance, develop a peer evaluation rubric, and must implement a routine and ongoing peer review process.

Documentation of the candidate’s teaching record should begin during the first year of the candidate’s initial appointment and should include the outcomes of periodic peer evaluations as well as any response from the candidate to those evaluations.  Documentation of the candidate’s teaching should continue after tenure for inclusion in promotion dossiers (and post-tenure reviews). The candidate will sign and date the peer evaluations included in the dossier, a single sheet indicating that he or she has reviewed all the peer evaluations included, or initial the applicable box on the signed Candidate Verification Page (see Appendix).

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